I just finished creating a craft space at the top of my spiral staircase.
this is a shot of the landing from downstairs
I don't have "walls" so I hung a piece of hardboard from the railing
& attached some kitchen goodies from Ikea. The clips, basket, &
green cups are all removable.
I found this vintage desk out on the curb.
You can't really see it in this pic, but I also hung some lace across
the front of the desk so that I have a place to clip photos, things
that inspire me, or brooches I'm working on.
Decided to use one of my antique dolls as a bulletin board of sorts.
I made curtains to help close the space & hide the ugly railing.
My supplies look a little cluttered, but this is still far more
organized than I have ever been : )
A close up of the curtains & how I hung them.