Challenge 128

Apr 08, 2012 23:47

Blue & Yellow
(I did try to think of a theme that didn't involve colours, but I couldn't think if a theme that I liked enough. So colours it is.
You can use other colours, as long as blue and yellow are most prominent. :)

750virago - bia_rustiguel - lessrest

> You can make up to 3/three icons.
> You can make the icons of any fandom, actors, stock, etc. you like as long as they follow the theme.
> All effects are allowed, except animations.
> Only enter new graphics made by you.
> All entries must be within LJ standards (100x100),(40KB).
> Post your icon(s) and the url(s) in a new post to the community, tag your entry with your username and the challenge tag.
(If you haven't got a tag yet, use the '!add username tag' one.)
> No spoilers please. Wait at least one week after the episode has aired.

Deadline: Sunday, April 22, 18.00 CET

Still open: Challenge 127 - Voting

!challenge, #challenge 128 - blue&yellow

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