
Sep 01, 2007 17:25

*don't has to go to school*
*feels incredibly good*
*is rly lazy somehow*
and its rly boring << thats why I'm writing  somewhat of a shitty entry now lol wateva :3
I'm going to watch  Hanakimi tonight wiz Read more... )

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Comments 33

snowberry_chan September 1 2007, 17:30:57 UTC
Jajaja Hana kimi!! Freu mich schon voll auf die nächste Episode!! *_______*

Und noch ein "Jajaja" für Pura!! *___________________*
OMG! Du kannst dir gar nicht Vorstellen wie glücklich mich diese Jungs machen... Q^Q
So wie ich mitbekommen hab, hat so gut wie keiner mit einem zweiten Konzert gerechnet, umso größer ist die Freude nun auch!! Ich freue mich schon so! :D

*lach* Ryo ist schon ein süßer! Das Bild ist hübsch! ^x^
Manchmal wünsche ich mir auch jemand (alias Tarou *lol*) würde mich aus meinem Alltag befreien... -.-°
Ich hab mal geträumt wir wären befreundet und er wäre in als Schüler meine Klasse gekommen. Wir haben zusammen gesessen und uns mit meinen Freunden unterhalten und als ich dann von seiner Stimme geschwärmt habe, hat er doch tatsächlich "Aoi Tori" angestimmt! XD

Schöner Traum... *__*


crazymyv September 2 2007, 14:55:04 UTC
xD ich kann mir vorstellen das dich die jungs happy machen :D
das ist ja mal ein cooler traum oO wow das wär echt richtig cool wenn man sein favo in seiner klasse hätte *~* dann brauchte man kein andren mehr x3
und zu pura turi ich glaub es is sowieso klar das wir zu plastic tree gehen ne?:3
schtimmt ne mit ryo <3~


shinyasama September 1 2007, 18:46:39 UTC
Komm zu Plastic Tree *_____*~


crazymyv September 2 2007, 14:56:00 UTC
Ich glaub werd ich auch wahrscheinlich - du gehst ja bestimmt wieder hin x3~


rinka88 September 2 2007, 09:06:18 UTC
Aw you're so lucky you can attend Pura and Gaze concert! ;__; I envy you >3>


crazymyv September 2 2007, 14:56:49 UTC
No not both of em just one of em :(
but I knew u would write "I envy u" x3


rinka88 September 2 2007, 15:42:48 UTC
xD So typical of me ne? x33 But STILL you can attend one of them! T__T Hey, I suggest you go to Gazette's since you've been to Pura's before. ;O It's just my suggestion. XD

LET'S DO FUSION SO WE CAN SWITCH OURSELVES!!! (then I can go to Gaze's concert!!! *runs around in circle*)



crazymyv September 2 2007, 18:22:30 UTC
NO NO! I don't wanna switch with yuuuu x3' If I could I would go to GAZE okeeeey >DDD~ But to be honest I think I have to go the pura concert coz the ones who would go with me want to go to the pura concert T___T and since my parents never would let me go alone.... ;0;


beaboszi September 2 2007, 10:25:47 UTC
Do you started watching HanaKimi now or you already watched some eps earlier? HanaKimi is love~
That's so cool Plastic Tree goes to Germany again!! But if you don't have enough money for both I think you should choose Gazette... Coz you already saw Plastic Tree, but never seen Gazette... I know you loved Plastic Tree and wanna see them again... Anyway... I hope you will have enough money for both!! XDD
I'm sad about your school... :-( But it just started not a long time ago, maybe it will become more fun later. Ganbatte~!
I can understand that Kat-tun is in the background for you now... It's the same with me coz I spend most of my time with Suju... But ctKT is always so much fun, I always watch it!


crazymyv September 2 2007, 15:01:05 UTC
No I was stucked at the 6th ep so I watched yester day ep 7 and 8 and I luv Tomaaaa <333~ x3
mhhhh I think I'll go to plastic tree again coz the ones who I'd go with want to go to the plastic tree concert coz they arent big fans of gaze and since I would have to go alone then ( and my parents wouldn't let me becoz of that T^T) I think pura is the one...<<
Ah ya, I still watch ctkt but I didnt watched the latest one soo~ I still love them to death *___*


beaboszi September 3 2007, 20:23:35 UTC
Okay. :-) Toma is <3<3<3~
Oh... I understand... But then you won't see Kai (and Aoi)... :-( Anyway... Plastic Tree is good too!! ^^ And it's cool you will see them again! :-)
You still didn't watched ctKT? XD


crazymyv September 4 2007, 18:37:32 UTC
"But then you won't see Kai (and Aoi)" T______T
and u forgot rukiii ;0;~
and noooo I haven't watched iiiiit ((o(><)o))but but but I wanted to download it and the damn link wouldnt work for me!!!T^T I think I've to wait now until chikara subs r out and loads it up again <<...


recyclingcentre September 2 2007, 17:49:52 UTC
HANAKIMI!!! *o* I think I only got up to episode 2, its so good!! And Ryo....mmmmmmmmmmmmm, words aren't needed!

Aaawwww, school T__T when does school ever go well, or become enjoyable?! xD But making little movies, that should be good! You could do a Shaggy video! xDD

And tough call! You get a lot of J-rock bands coming to Germany, which is soo cool, but then, like you said, you come up with these dilemmas! Tricky!

Send out for Ryo he'll come with a bag of chocolate and cake and spoil you lots so then you can go to both concerts! Then he'll take you to your school and burn all the homework and exam papers (because he' jusst so gangster, look at that picture! xD) and give you a school free passs for the rest of your life! 8D


crazymyv September 2 2007, 18:34:28 UTC
YAAAAA!!!!xDDD I luv ur Idea with ryo so so bad x3 bruning homework- what a dream! esp when ryo would do it <3~
Hanakimi is great u should watch the other eps too its getin funnier anf funnier 8D
oh and shaggy vid sounds like fun XD I think I'll take ur vid as an example then xD
oh and btw! U like Plastic tree?Coz I heard that they will come to the UK too :D maybe u can go too!


recyclingcentre September 2 2007, 19:18:54 UTC
XDD And he'd burn it with that cheeky smile on his face too! ♥♥
I knowww!! I MUST! Ryo is just so hot in it, not just in looks but in personality too!! And I like his dog! xDD He's so cute, he won that competition and was also the panty theif!!! xDDD Ooohhh, I want an icon of the pant theif now! I have to watch it via my friends laptop though because my computer SUCKS as you know well by now! xD

Oooohhh, that Shaggy video..xD so stupid!
And I used to listen to some of their stuff but don't so much now, I was just saying that having to choose bewteen some of your favorite bands must be really hard for you!! ♥♥


crazymyv September 2 2007, 19:26:50 UTC
awwwww cheeky ryo is luv <3 he really could let anyone just melt away ♥__♥
eh?:D Ryo in hanakimi?Now I think u mean Nakatsu ne?^^'But yaaa I luv him too!He is so cuuuuute ^,^ ahaha that panty icon is indeed cute someone on my f-list got that icon xD
oh ya its hard ._. but pura isn't one of my favos i just like them xD oh i see u heard a few songs ne :3


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