Title: Come for Him (MOV) Warning: Masturbation Summary: Murdock waits for Face. A/N: For the Merry Month of Masturbation over mmom. Takes place during the movie.
SEE!! This is what happens when I don't sleep! Truthfully this is what happens when I steal my partner's ADD meds. My brain calms down and shifts into focus. Also it makes me do stuff like write this out on my phone this morning when I should have been sleeping. >.<
Thank you so much. I was worried about this because it came outta nowhere I knew immediately that I loved it but I got worried because it's a bit different then how I usually write.
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Truthfully this is what happens when I steal my partner's ADD meds. My brain calms down and shifts into focus. Also it makes me do stuff like write this out on my phone this morning when I should have been sleeping. >.<
Thank you so much. I was worried about this because it came outta nowhere I knew immediately that I loved it but I got worried because it's a bit different then how I usually write.
This fit in perfectly with the movie. ♥
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