1st pair of shoes (spoilers for S3ep2)

Jan 08, 2014 20:21

Title: 1st pair of shoes
Author: crazycatt71
Fandom: Sherlock
Rating: G
Word Count: 138
Pairing: John/Mary, Sherlock
Warning:  spoilers for Sign of the Three.
Summary: a shoe fic, but not the usual kind I write. It's fluffy

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mary, sherlock holmes, shoes, sherlock, john, mary morstan, fluff, rating-g, story, john hart

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Comments 4

jeanniewal January 9 2014, 06:29:20 UTC
Awwwww - happiness! HOPE this is what happens!


rifleman_s January 9 2014, 13:46:06 UTC
Oh that's lovely! And so typically Sherlock!

I can imagine him really spoiling this baby!

Did you know you'd put dollar signs in front of the $500 instead of the pound sign £500 *grin*


crazycatt71 January 9 2014, 15:52:10 UTC
Ooops, my american slipped in. Thanks for catching it.
And I'm glad you enjoyed it.


rifleman_s January 9 2014, 20:45:05 UTC
No problem - glad you didn't mind me mentioning it! :)


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