Yeah, so this morning, en route to school, my sister all but calls me a bitch. How sweet, eh? She says I am overly bitchy and like, "why don't you want to spend time with me???" Such dramatics... *rolls eyes
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On Friday, I ended up having to stay until about 5:30, 5:45 without a break. Then, I had to wait for another fifteen minutes for KT to come and pick me up. Yet, even after working all day long, I couldn't fall asleep
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This morning I got up at the crack of dawn to print off my assignment, only to discover that the only damned printer in the house is out of ink! AHHHH! So, I was freaking out, thinking I would never make it to class on time if I had to print that stupid assignment before hand
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Yeah, I just finished my stupid proposal for English 1200 research assignment due tomorrow. I would probly skip all my classes if that were not due. Still have to print and do a reading assignment. Blah
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SUPPOSEDLY if you've seen over 190 movies, you have no life. Mark the ones you've seen. There are 190 movies on this list. Add up your score at the end and put it as the email suject. Finally, send it to all your friends
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The past few weeks I've been having dreams about Seattle. I just got this feeling that I have to go. I am planning to call my Grandma tomorrow and ask if she will pay half for a plane ticket to go out to Washington for two weeks during winter break. I have not been back to Seattle in almost four years now. It's time to go back
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I checked my bank account this morning. I have $700. My credit card payment and phone bill are due next week. But, I get paid next week too. And, I am still waiting on that refund from my insurance and my financial aid. This is so soooo good. If I keep making atleast $120-160 per week, I will definately have two grand before then end of November.
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