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Comments 19

splix September 14 2011, 03:05:13 UTC
Oh, I love Emily Blunt. She's the coolest. :D


crazy4ew September 14 2011, 03:15:16 UTC
She is. And she looked great. :)


splix September 14 2011, 03:16:26 UTC
You didn't see Viggo at TIFF, did you? Give him a big old smooch for me? :D


crazy4ew September 14 2011, 05:09:23 UTC
Alas, no. His movie must have premiered on another day. I didn't see him or hear of him while I was there. I would have loved to see him and take a pic. *pouts*


izzardwizzard September 14 2011, 04:18:22 UTC
Oh, Ewan. Your poor female costars. I think once they near the end of the film experience, whether it's on-set or with the publicity rounds, these poor women just grope and hug and rub-up-against as much as they can while they can.

Can't say I blame them! Grope him if you got 'im!


crazy4ew September 14 2011, 05:10:53 UTC
I agree, she did seem to be looking at him with this awe in hers eyes. And he was all over her, in his typical affectionate way!


char_usa September 14 2011, 12:09:37 UTC
So Rose---- Did you enjoy the film?

Ewan looks fabulous in some of the clips I have

As I said before, I did not like the book at all,
so I am hopeing they changed the film a lot.

I figuer with Ewan in it, it has to be good.


crazy4ew September 14 2011, 15:53:01 UTC
Enjoy it? I LOVED IT. From the get go. It is so pleasant and humorous and fun! The laughs start right at the beginning and the good mood stays right on through... even with touching scenes in between... Ewan's Scottish Edinburgh-ish accent is GREAT and will make you S-M-I-L-E that is for sure...

He dances and skips... it's a wonderful film. Asked why they made this film, the director said it was great to do a Middle East film that was not about explosions!

And Kristin Thomans Scott is wonderful in there too! I loved her role...

The movie was picked up immediately! So we will be seeing it on the Big Screen next year I imagine...


char_usa September 15 2011, 10:32:32 UTC
That is great news.~~!! :)

I am very happy that the film is better then the book.
I didn't find much humour or romance in the book, and the book was as dull as dish water.

It's wonderful that the film is lighthearted and funny.
I know I will enjoy Ewan and his Scotish accent. And to see him skip and dance will be amazing~!!!

It's great that it was picked up so quickly.

Thanks for your remarks, Rose


siriala September 14 2011, 17:25:15 UTC
Arrête les commérages tout de suite, pitié ! Je ne veux pas revivre l'épisode Mélanie avec Emily cette fois dans le rôle de la briseuse de ménage... Et puis tout le monde sait que la grande histoire d'amour cachée de Ewan est avec Christian :D

Je n'ai vu Emily que dans Le diable s'habille en Prada, c'est bon de voir qu'elle a l'air plus sympa en vrai que son rôle de peste snobinarde ;)


crazy4ew September 14 2011, 23:16:49 UTC
hihihi... je savais que mes commérages susciteraient quelques réactions... mais avouons-le, c'est un peu intime que de s'asseoir sur les genoux d'un beau gars comme ça et comme si ce n'était pas assez, bras dessus bras dessous!!! Quelle étreinte et quel regard Ewan a pour elle. J'ai trouvé cela assez frappant pour ne pas dire flagrant. Enfin, passons. Libre à lui de faire comme il veut. Et oui, pauvre Christian qui deviendra peut-être cocu dans tout ça!!! *mdr*

ces temps-ci pour moi, ton CB est plutôt épris de mon beau Tom!!! Et ça fait bien mon affaire, merci! :)

Sans parler de Tom et Jason, ainsi que de Tom et Jared, et puis Tom et Oliver (Green Arrow) mon couple préféré. :)))


siriala September 15 2011, 05:00:54 UTC
ces temps-ci pour moi, ton CB est plutôt épris de mon beau Tom!!! Ce qui prouve bien encore à quel point tu n'y comprends rien ! ;) *bisous*


honscot September 14 2011, 19:18:52 UTC
Yes, I thought the lap-sitting pic was a bit... odd. LOL. Emily's outfits were great, although I definitely preferred the two pinkish dresses over the black... was it a jumpsuit? Alhough it still flattered her. And I loved her black shoes! I've liked her since The Devil Wears Prada. Can't wait to see her - and Ewan, obviously! - in SFITY. I'm thrilled that you liked it so much - and that they got distribution interest IMMEDIATELY. Woo hoo!


crazy4ew September 14 2011, 23:09:22 UTC
I thought you might have that reaction with that lap sitting pic.... heck, I am not usually bothered by all sorts of shenanigans between friends, but I find that sitting on someone's lap is a tad personal... plus the way he is looking at her. Still, I don't want to be starting any bad rumours, but I had to express my impression if you will.

She has done a few films and I have liked her in most of them. She is certainly fun in this one. I can't say enough about this film. I'm so excited and elated because I think he is overdue for good press!!! It won't win awards or anything, but it will be well received, I am sure of it. It's a feel good movie and lord knows we need some of those!


honscot September 15 2011, 00:17:27 UTC
Well, I'll tell you in all honesty - a year ago that pic would have driven me crazy. Now I just think it's weird and slightly inappropriate, but I'm not bothered. I think my Ewan protectiveness, or whatever, has worn off.


crazy4ew September 14 2011, 23:18:38 UTC
yes, the black outfit was a sexy jumpsuit. I quite liked it. But I LOVVVVED the black skirt with the pink T and the coral bow! AND the shoes. How lovely was that!


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