Oct 03, 2009 23:25

It's still 30 mins earlier than the time for...THE ONE AND ONLY UEDA TATSUYA'S BIRTHDAY XDDDD (n my bro's)...Tat-chan was born in 4th october, 1983 and my brother was born in 4th october, 1991...It is sooooo nice when someone i Luv has birthday at the same day as someone..who's my family *rolls eye*...

anyway, so i hardly use lj and thought i should ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

hey nisam? right? it's tina from imeem... rstna March 11 2010, 11:19:08 UTC
OMG!! i love the pictures you posted. aaaahhhhh... just looking at Ueda san's pictures, he's making my heart melt! I get goose bumps every time i see him! haha...

Anyway! HAve you SEEN UEDA SAn's YOUTUBE account?? i don't know if it was really him. BUt it was kinda like him. he made a video about himself and it says there that he has a Girlfriend... huhuhuhuh *heart breaks* lol.. hehe try searching it theUedaTatsuya

and yah! hahaa kamenashi san and akanishi have TWITTER!!!! they update their twitter in nihonggo though. :( Except for Ueda san. he speaks english yeeyy.. hehehe i don't know if it was really them though. but it seems like it.

anyway!! haha can you tell i'm soo excited to tell you all of these? hehe

take care.


Re: hey nisam? right? it's tina from imeem... crazgal5 April 17 2010, 01:00:26 UTC
AHHHH!!! gomen ne~...It's been ages since i used internet (esp. lj)...I've been sooo busy lately...

but hey, long time no talk <3...aww...i'm so glad you still remem me and my name (pple tend to 4get it >_>)...thought your name was christina?...oh well, will call you tina-san (?)...

hehe...It's been ages since i updated my lj too...Tat-chan's kyutness makes EVERYONE melt <3 ( ... )


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