Yes, I'm not dead. I'm just really, really slow when making icons. I don't know how everyone else can make new icon batches so quickly. Anyways... I think there are a couple of fellow iconmakers watching this community.
I know, I've been little miss lack-of-post lately. I've been busy with small graduations, banquets, summer school, social angst, and whatnot. I'm sure you understand. But I'm gonna bother you for the moment and say...
One Naruto header for a friend... Anyone out there can take a look at it or take it or something. I don't really care what fate this header will meet. This was specifically requested by my friend, but it's shareable. I don't expect anyone to have anyone to have any interest in it though.
All of these bases are more than 100x100. I think it's easier to color them when they're full sized. I tried to make icons out of most these. I ended up making five or so... That means... good luck. If you need some examples or some inspiration, you can check out what I managed to come out with here.