Ficlet 8/20: Dream Team

Nov 30, 2013 16:30

Claim: Buffy & Giles
Theme: Teamwork
Word Count: 192

She landed the perfect kick just as they’d practised and the demon spiraled back straight towards her Watcher. One swing from his sword and they were one demon down with four remaining.


He ducked without delay. Her aim had been true and one stake to the eye later and another demon opponent had fallen. A sound to her left alerted him to another charge. He expertly parried the attack with his sword while she fished in the weapon’s bag for another stake. His opponent was so busy fending off the Watcher he never saw the Slayer sneak up behind him.

Now the odds were even. It was two on two. Both demons charged from opposite directions. Buffy quickly realised that they needed to swap positions.


As she rolled past the weapons bag she grabbed the crossbow and took out the larger of their opponents. The smaller and faster one had missed with his charge and Giles beheaded him as he stepped neatly out of the way.

“Well done.”

“We make a good team. Flip ya for the clean up.”

He glared and she relented. “Fine. We’ll do it together.”


buffy/giles, fandom: btvs, btvs, comm: universe_the, fanfic

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