argh i love your new diary name. is it from the lyrics; 'what say we go crash your car?' i'm in love with those lyrics. and that song =D and yesa you should see jackass the movie. add me? xx
it's livejournal. as soon as you add someone it won't let you read their entries right away. i did add you though, lol. omg i know, i always feel suck a dick laughing at the tv by myself =X
Comments 29
is it from the lyrics;
'what say we go crash your car?'
i'm in love with those lyrics.
and that song =D
and yesa you should see jackass the movie.
add me? xx
i added you <33.
i love jackass.
it makes me laugh
so bad, lmao.
even when i'm sitting
all on my own =D
it won't let you read their entries right away.
i did add you though, lol. omg i know, i always
feel suck a dick laughing at the tv by myself =X
I'm so adding you.<3
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