Title: Poison, Fire, Death
Pairing: broken!Minsu, Yoosu
Genre: Angst, drama
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): Mention of rape
Summary: Sometimes, poison isn't the one doing all the killings.
A/N: Another of my extremely late nights for absolutely no reason, this time round with both my beloveds
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Comments 6
I have no idea if I should pity Changmin or not. He is drunk. Hyung … what’s wrong with you? I’m trying to sleep! This line sounds so innocent and childlike. He didn't know... He really didn't know.
>< But it will not erase the fact that he raped Junsu.
I'm speechless. I can't wait for the next one. I want to how they're going to patch this wound, fire and poison up. How Changmin is going to wipe his fire. How Yoochun is going to heal Junsu's wound.
Junsu should stop being the sexually harrassed material.
This is loved. I'm so sick to actually love this.
yes. Precisely why I was struggling trying to make people pity Changmin and yet not be able to forgive him at the same time.
Moral of the story: Kids, no alcohol. XD
don't worry, i'll post up the last part soon :D
i'm sorry about making Junsu the sexually harrassed one but our dear Su is just simply too cute for words
it's okay. loving this = loving me = loving yoosu = perfectly logically okay :D
But, it's really conflicting... to pity-hate Changmin. Oops, I used to drink a lot. XD Not to the point of addict, but I really enjoy alcohol. Just because I've never been drunk, that's why I love alcohol. Advice to Changmin, don't drink heavy stuff when you can't handle. XD XD At least, he didn't puke all over Junsu. I don't want him to stink my baby Kamo.
You better update it real soon because I'll hunt you down for sure.
Nvm... because Junsu is just a sexually harrassed material. XD XD I swear I'll rape him as well.
Your logic... *shivers* :D :D
But I luv u~ ^^
Well, you used to. So it's better than doing it now :D I do love a drink a little now and then too though I don't drink to the extent of getting drunk. ia, i have to admit i'll smack changmin if he really does that XD
I'll update it tomorrow. How's that for a deal? :D
oh no now Chun's going to hunt you down because you raped his Su!
*runs away once again*
:D Awwwwwwwwwww. <33
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