Apr 18, 2008 16:23

→Respect. Respect your mods, respect your fellow players, respect your own character, and respect the game. It's just common courtesy, really.

→Respect means no godmode, no bashing. Ask permission before you start doing things to other people's characters, and don't go around insulting people. That is what we like to call rude and disgusting.

→Which brings us to our next point: if you have a problem with somebody, bring it up with them privately, outside of community proceedings, whether in character or out of character. Just because you don't like somebody or the way they play a character doesn't mean you have to subject the rest of the community to your dislike. On the other hand, if someone is legitimately being a jerk and they don't listen to you even after you've brought it up to them privately, let us, the mods, know, and we'll do what we can to fix the situation.

→And that brings us to our next point: Three strikes and you're out. If the mods have to warn you three times for godmoding or bad behavior or something else, then we're sorry, but you'll be banned from the game. We're nice people, really, we just want everyone to have fun in a friendly environment, and friendly environment does not include public bashing or godmoding.

→Moving on. We request that players be 15 years of age or older. There may very well be graphic things going on, and we don't want to corrupt the children any more than they've been corrupted already.

→Use your common sense about putting things behind cuts. If a post is image heavy, contains videos, or anything rated R or NC17, we request that you put it behind a cut with a warning. Some people still have dial-up, after all, incredible as it may seem. And there are some people who would just rather not see the NC17 stuff.

→There is a character limit, and it is thus: You are allowed to have eight characters at one time, and only three characters from any one fandom. This is because while we really love enthusiasm, we prefer quality over quantity. We also prefer that people only have three characters from a fandom because we love that you love your fandom, but other people love your fandom too. Give them a chance to play some of those characters. If you show that you can handle eight characters well and remain fully active with all of them, we may allow you to take more. But then again, maybe not. We're going to be strict about the limit, though.

→No original characters, real life people, or gods from mythology. While the fact that you have original characters is awesome, this roleplay isn't really designed with them in mind. Sorry. Gods from religion and mythology are pretty darn cool, yes, but unless they come from a known work of fiction, such as Neil Gaiman's American Gods or the TV series Hercules (or the Disney movie by the same name), then I'm afraid we won't allow them. And as for real life people, just... no. Not even if they play themselves in a movie.

→We are yaoi, yuri, and het friendly.

→Stay in character. We appreciate the fact that characters can change over time, but they don't go from being an introvert to an extrovert within the space of a week.

More explanation can be found over at the Frequently Asked Questions page, and if that doesn't clarify it, feel free to ask!


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