Title: Not This Time
Pairing: Nathan/Claire, Peter/Claire
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied Incest, Angst
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or its characters. I make no money from the writing of this story.
Spoilers: If you know the Petrelli dynamic, you're all right.
Summary: Nathan gets what he wants, like usual.
Claire was his little girl, his little
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Comments 11
Tiny little glimmers of Petrellicest in all its permutations are all my short-circuiting brain is able to come up with right now. I want to write so badly but my brain is just screaming in revolt about how Nathan is no longer with us. God damn it!
But I'm glad you liked it. I kind of figured you'd read and enjoy it. I'm thinking about doing another Nathan/claire. My inability to do Nathan/Peter is currently kicking my ass. This is all Sylar's fault.
*grumbles and hides in the corner*
And as I thought about that, I figured it out. You liked that Nathan "didn't even want to think about" Peter figuring it out. Right? Maybe?
My Nathan is awesome and I didn't even know it.
or I did, and wasn't sure. hee. Thanks, O exalted K-gal. :)
Ah, Petrelli angst...lovely, lovely stuff!
Great job! :D
Successfully writing Nathan/Peter porn has done wonders to improve my mood.
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