Title: The Rabbit Hole
Pairing: Akame
bellemainecSummary: Long-term relationships entail a lot of things. One of which is boredom; another is an unhealthy dosage of insecurity. Jin tries to deal with both, among other things (that may or may not be the real reason for such behavior).
Notes: Written for
cease11 for
kizuna_exchange '11.
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Comments 2
love how you wrote jin here..and his conversations with all the characters..
i got the kick out of jin's mom and kame's parents embarrassing them..
thanks for sharing!!!
“Don’t be such a sap. Go home. Your father and I are going to have sex tonight.”
I’m telling you, you can’t make me homophobic. Nor can you make your father
I mean, seriously, genius!
“I want this to be worth it.” ♥
I lol'ed at Dom's “You call Kamenashi babe?”. Nice trying, Jin, haha.
It's nice that Jin and Kame managed to last so long that they could be 'old-married-couple' like. So simple in their everyday lives.
And all of Jin's little insecurities about making it work etc was so sweet.
and then the last line ♥
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