We had the opposite happen with Mom's first bunny, Punk (originally Anya). Thought he was a girl, vet thought he was a girl, he started peeing everywhere, we flipped him over and thought he'd sprouted tumors (having just dealt with rattie mammary tumors that looked similar.) "Nope, those are testicles." Oops...especially since we'd just bought a little girl bunny who stayed a girl bunny. Punk didn't get to keep his jewels very long.
Same thing happened with my first Cat, Wolverine. Turned out she was a girl. It's not that cats conceal their sex. It was that we were stupid. It wasn't hard to tell, just that no one in my family (including both parents) had ever really had a cat before, so when we didn't see any "stuff" we guessed it was just hard to see.
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