Title: Even Angels (Have Their Wicked Schemes)
Author: cranberry_pi
Rating: R, I think.
WARNINGS: Character death.
Spoilers: None - totally AU.
Summary: Faberry meets Silent Hill 2. I have no idea if I'm going to actually write this or not, I'm just running it up the flagpole to see if I still like the concept.
In the tiny bathroom of the observation area, Quinn Fabray stared at herself in the mirror. It was cracked and dirty, but it showed her enough of herself to know she probably didn’t want to see any more than what she did. She looked tired - which wasn’t a great surprise, as she felt tired. The dark bags under her eyes, the slight frizz of her blonde hair, sloppily braided, all of it pointed to just how exhausted she was. “Rachel,” she muttered to herself. “Could you really be in this town?” She left the bathroom and stepped outside onto the observation deck that overlooked the quiet lake. In her head, she heard Rachel’s voice.
“In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill. You promised you’d take me there again someday, but you never did. Well, I’m alone there now - in our ‘special place’...waiting for you...”
Quinn stared out at the lake. I got a letter, she thought to herself. The name on the envelope said ‘Rachel.’ My wife’s name... It’s ridiculous, couldn’t possibly be true... That’s what I keep telling myself...
A dead person can’t write a letter. Rachel died of that damn disease three years ago. So then why am I looking for her? Our ‘special place’... What could she mean? This whole town was our special place.
Does she mean the park on the lake? We spent the whole day there. Just the two of us, staring at the water. Could Rachel really be there?
Is she really alive... waiting for me?
She remembered the way into town like she’d been there just yesterday. Turning away from the still surface of the placid lake, she drew her coat tighter around herself and walked down the steps toward the road.