I just could not get LJ to update the latter post so I deleted it and made a new post. But yar, my friend and I iced the Dalek cookies yesterday for our Finale Party and here they are!! There's a Dalek Superior, Dalek Sec and Dalek Kahn ((Caan)) is the fat midget 'cause he be CRAAAZY!...lol I have no idea:
Click to see bigger~! and lol my TARDIS!cell made an appearance....EXTERMINATE!! EXTERMINATE!! XD! I love it.
original post below~!!
Well, I don't have the $$ to go out n' buy the kit, so I bent n' molded an old santa cookie cutter into this:
Click to see bigger~! I knew that they wouldn't keep their shape unless I made shortbread cookies instead of sugar, but this is just too much....they're actually CUTE!! XDD!! LOLOLOL!!:
Click to see bigger~! hahahha...these all will be appropriately colored w/ icing tomorrow @ the DW party my friend
_sin_attract and I will be having to watch the finale together...yeah...won't be seein' the finale tonight NOR am I going to check any communities 'cause I know some jackass will try to spoil but anyone/everyone that will be havin' a finale party HAVE A BLAST!!! :D~!....and the midget one on the bottom left is totally Dalek Kahn...that lil' bitch is going to get eaten first. LOL!