Because I can't make up my mind...

Mar 12, 2007 12:44


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Comments 20

icynn March 12 2007, 18:37:55 UTC
Not me personally, because my kid is a girl (LOL)
BUT if I did, I'd make sure I left enough hair to cover his head when the hawk isn't up.


crafterson March 12 2007, 18:42:17 UTC
But what if you had a boy?!!!

Well, he wants it just like his dad's, which is buzzed on the sides and only 1/2 inch long, about 2 inches wide. We figured he's got two weeks before he goes back to school, at which time we can buzz the 'hawk to match the sides.


icynn March 12 2007, 18:58:37 UTC
Hrm, if he's got 2 weeks before he has to go back to school, I'd do it. And I'd make sure he knew that once his hair is cut, it'll take a long time to grow it back again.

I knew someone who's kid wanted their head shaved, so mom did it ... kid didn't like it and was mad that mom couldn't put his hair back on. =/


crafterson March 12 2007, 23:07:30 UTC
He gets it about the hair growing back, we buzz it every summer to 1/2 inch.


taosma March 12 2007, 21:09:22 UTC
I'd totally do it, AND I'd let him wear it to school too. I mean, why not? I'm just a little rebellious like that anyways. ;)


crafterson March 12 2007, 23:00:13 UTC
Oh, I just knew what your answer would be!

You? Rebellious? Never!


taosma March 12 2007, 23:12:12 UTC
Haha!! I'm totally shocked! I'm innocent I tells ya! ;)


crafterson March 12 2007, 23:05:44 UTC
Now I'm kind of liking the idea of sending him to school like that, and watching some of those oh-so-uppity parents get in a big twist about it, especially if their kid wants one too!


midnight_lotus March 12 2007, 21:29:39 UTC
Absolutely. What will it hurt? There's only so long that kids can get away with this sort of stuff before it's frowned upon. I say let him express himself, and figure out who is is.


crafterson March 12 2007, 23:06:34 UTC
When does it become frowned upon? Daddy has one and he's 40!


midnight_lotus March 12 2007, 23:22:36 UTC
Haha. Being different is usually frowned upon. I have visable tattoos, piercings, and my hair is obviously not it's natural colour. I get looks. And, I probably haven't gotten a job or two because of it. That's more what I meant.


pers March 12 2007, 22:22:00 UTC
I'd give him a faux hawk. It's not like they know the difference at that age and I'd probably fear some busybody calling CPS.


taosma March 12 2007, 23:14:36 UTC
You're serious? CPS? They wouldn't bat an eye at a hairstyle!


pers March 13 2007, 01:14:52 UTC
Didn't say they'd DO anything but some people are just morons. A neighbour of mine had CPS called on her because her daughter wore the same dress 3x in a week. It had been washed but they still felt it was some kind of neglect. Turns out she was letting her daughter pick out her clothes and dress herself and that's just what the kid picked. lol

In the news in the last couple of months was a father who was in all kinds of crap with his kid's school because he dyed her hair! Kids come to school starving or beaten and it doesn't make the news but dye her hair pink...!


taosma March 13 2007, 03:51:03 UTC
I can't believe that. Some people are just insane. I don't hear as many cases like that in Canada, but there are a few. Gah. :S


emmacrew March 12 2007, 22:23:27 UTC
depends: Has he wanted it for a while, or is it the whim of a moment? If A.. sure, why not (unless his hair grows really really slowly).


crafterson March 12 2007, 23:03:56 UTC
He's only wanted it since yesterday, when I did Randy's. "That's the coolest haircut I've ever seen, Daddy. Can I have mine just like that?".

He is used to short hair though, we buzz it to 1/2 inch every summer.


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