Zomg more logs

Feb 07, 2008 21:47

The day after the first test with Alpha Trion:

Ironhide: -in his and Ratchet's quarters, sitting at the desk and modifying an old gun of his-
Will: -Casually strolls along and stops at Ironhide’s quarter’s doors, /remembering this time/ to knock.-
Ironhide: -sends a command to open the door, not moving from his spot- Come in.
Will: -After waiting for the doors to open, he lets himself in- Heyah 'Hide.
Ironhide: -looks down at him- Hey, Will. Surprised to see you in one piece.
Will: -looks back up at him and in return gives him a glare- Ha. You're hilarious.
Ironhide: -just grins, and finishes up some soldering work-
Ironhide: Haven't seen you around in a while.
Will: - twists torso around to see if Sarah's behind him. causeyouneverknow. - Yah, well it's just a matter of time until Sarah finds me.
Ironhide: That /was/ pretty stupid. -conversational tone-
Will: Heh, well... guys can do some stupid things when they're drunk.
Will: but... -coughs lightly and waves hand around in a dismissive gesture- I didn't come here to talk about that.
Will: I wanted to know how /you/ were doing.
Ironhide: -sets down the soldering gun and turns to look at him- Fine. Been training the handful of Sparklings we've got.
Ironhide: -small smile on his face-
Will: Sounds like you're enjoying it.
Ironhide: S'what I did before the war.
Ironhide: Real pain in the aft sometimes, but yeah. Always liked it.
Will: -smirks- It's hard to imagine you babysitting a handful of uh, sparklings.
Ironhide: ...
Ironhide: I didn't babysit.
Ironhide: They knew better than to misbehave with me.
Will: For their sakes, I'd hope so...
Ironhide: -eyes Will- I wasn't cruel.
Ironhide: Just strict.
Will: -light smile, of /course/ Will believes him-
Ironhide: -knows his human buddy's expressions- ....if you treat it like a game when you're teaching them how to defend themselves, they'll get killed. I made them take it seriously.
Will: Hey, of course.
Will: I know how it goes, I went through all that too by the way.
Will: There wasn't one Drill Sergeant I knew that wasn't strict.
Ironhide: For a good reason. -grins- And you survived a battle against beings with far superior technology because you listened to them.
Will: Geez, thanks Hide. -walks up to Hide and leans against/sits on his foot- Mind if I hang out here until Sarah calms down?
Will: -and by hang out, he totally means hide-
Ironhide: Yeah, you can hide here. Only for a while, though.
Will: -half ass smirk- Why's that? Ratchet's coming over soon?
Ironhide: ....
Will: -He'll take that silence as a yes?-
Ironhide: -silent for a moment- We have a meeting with Alpha Trion tonight. -'meeting' is just barely stressed-
Will: Meeting about what??
Will: -tra la la, doesn't catch on to Ironhide's tone-
Ironhide: -hesitates, looks away- We...volunteered to perform some tests for him. -quietly-
Will: -slouches- Ouch, have fun with that. What are the tests for?
Ironhide: -silent for a long moment before speaking- .....how much do you know about the Allspark?
Will: -like he could remember all that Simmons told him. - Not much to be honest.
Will: That it transmitted some strange powerful wave... thing -okay, let's skip to the point- I saw it bring a cellphone to life.
Ironhide: That's its purpose. To create Sparklings.
Ironhide: ...or it was, at least.
Will: Oh, but what does this have --lightbulb turns on-- ... oh.
Will: Oh! -stands up- Ironhide, you want.. I mean...
Ironhide: -nods slowly, still not quite looking at him-
Will: -is kinda... scratching the back of his head. Wow, okay this is.. different.-
Will: Wow, I mean... I had no idea. Your...
Will: -You can create sparklings without the Allspark?
Ironhide: That's what we're running tests for. To see if it's possible.
Will: Wait- no. Scratch that question first. You want KIDS? -finally straightened out thoughts-
Ironhide: ...yes.
Will: -pauses a moment and watches the towering Mech; noticing him shifting his weight from side to side and awkward glances at the floor- Ironhide... -using every fiber in his being to stop the smile he felt coming on- you don't have to feel embarrassed.
Ironhide: -vents out some air in a sigh-
Will: For what it's worth... -rests hand on Hide- I think you would make an excellent father.
Will: -mother.
Ironhide: -twitches-
Will: -realizes he just ruined it- parrrreeeeentttttttal unnnnit. -drags out-
Will: - D8 -
Ironhide: .... -growls-
Will: So, uhhh -coughchangeofsubject- How are the tests going to be done??
Ironhide: ...
Ironhide: -shifts-
Will: ...
Will: -sloooooowly lifts hand off of Ironhide-
Ironhide: ......Trion has a theory.
Ironhide: He needed data on...on what happens when two mechs...Bond. -shifts again-
Will: ...
Will: ...
Will: ...Have fun with that.
Ironhide: ....it'll be worth the...oddness...w- if it works.
Will: I hope it works, for your sake.
Ironhide: -wry smile- I hope so, too. Not just for me, but...for our whole race.

And...last night:

Optimus Prime: *Currently, he's in Teletraan-1's chamber, updating the databanks and ensuring that the rest of the system is running in peak condition*
Optimus Prime: *Routine, but a lot of the things he's doing requires some pretty high-level access codes to prevent tampering, and he's one of the few who can get by without trouble by using his Prime codes.*
Ironhide: ::...Optimus? Need to talk to you about something important. Are you free?::
Optimus Prime: \\Ironhide?\\ *Pauses with his fingers above the input panel* \\I'm with Teletraan-1, but it can wait. Is something wrong?\\
Alpha Trion: *he's managed to review most of the data acquired so far, and it has been rather helpful. He's still going over it, taking it and running more scenarios and such. He peered at the screen, stroking his beard in thought, then made
Alpha Trion: a few more adjustments, peering at the screen again...*
Ironhide: ::No, it's just...something you should know.::
Optimus Prime: *Frowns behind his facemask* \\I see. Is this something we should discuss in person?\\
Alpha Trion: *He's in the medbay, btw...analyzing some info...*
Ironhide: ::Yes.:: -looks at Ratchet, letting him listen to the comm-
Optimus Prime: \\Hn. Where to, then?\\
Ratchet: *he nodded, indicating he could hear everything.*
Ironhide: ::Somewhere secure? We can meet you where you are.::
Optimus Prime: \\That'll work. The doors are unlocked.\\
Ironhide: Ratchet?
Ratchet: *he nodded at 'Hide* Yes..?
Ironhide: You're coming with me, aren't you?
Ratchet: *He nodded* Of course. Why wouldn't I? *he stood and went over to him, reaching his hands out to him*
Ironhide: -takes his hands- Let's go then. ::We're on our way.::
Optimus Prime: \\We?\\
Ratchet: *he nodded and pulled him with, and headed out the door with him, making sure the door was secure before they left*
Ironhide: ::......Ratchet and I.::
Optimus Prime: \\...ah.\\
Ironhide: ... -pauses in the hallway- Maybe Alpha Trion should be included in this? -quietly-
Optimus Prime: *Starts closing some of the files he'd been working on*
Ratchet: *he looked at Hide, thinking* ....That..might actually be a good idea...
Ironhide: I have those occasionally. -small grin-
Ratchet: *he chuckled* Yes, you do. You want to comm him? Or shall I?
Alpha Trion: *fiddlefiddle*
Ironhide: You go ahead and comm him.
Ratchet: Alright...::Trion? Are you busy?::
Alpha Trion: *he blinked at that, shook his head and went back to his work, but opened the comm* ::Ratchet, good to hear from you. Currently working on the analysis...are you two alright?::
Ratchet: ::Yes, We're good. If you weren't too busy, would you perhaps mind meeting us in the Teletraan-1 chambers?::
Alpha Trion: *he thought a moment* ::What's the occasion?::
Ratchet: ::We need to inform Optimus of what we are doing, and we wanted you to be there.:: *he shifted slightly*
Alpha Trion: *he nodded, stroking his beard again* ::Ahh. I see. Very well, I will meet you there. Give me five minutes.::
Ratchet: ::Alright. Thank you.:: *he cut off the comm, and looked at 'Hide* He's coming.
Ratchet: About five minutes he'll be there.
Ironhide: Alright.
Alpha Trion: *he punched a few more things, then began saving info to an external storage unit, detaching it when he was finished and headed out the door, headed for Teletraan1.*
Ironhide: -keeps on going down the hallway, slowing his pace a bit so they won't be waiting on Trion-
Ratchet: *he continued walking with, keeping his own pace to match 'Hide's.*
Alpha Trion: *He ended up waiting at the doors for them, standing like a guard...*
Optimus Prime: *Scanners show that someone's at said doors, and he glances at them, seeing not only Ratchet and Ironhide - but Alpha Trion as well. He blinks in slight surprise, a suspicion of what's going to be talked about forming*
Ironhide: -shifts slightly-
Ratchet: *they made it to the doors finally, and nodded at Trion* Thank you for coming...
Alpha Trion: *he shook his head* Not a problem, Ratchet.*he held up the datadisk* I have something here that you might find interesting, as well.
Ratchet: *he blinked, then looked at 'Hide to see his reaction*
Ironhide: ...you already analyzed it? -/don't/ get hopes up, dammit!-
Alpha Trion: Took me a good while, but yes. *he nodded and pressed the keypad on the door, to get Optimus' attention*
Optimus Prime: Come in.
Alpha Trion: *he pressed another key, and the doors slid open*
Ironhide: -glances at Ratchet, then steps in-
Ratchet: *he followed 'Hide in, nodding at Optimus* Sir.
Alpha Trion: *he smiled at Optimus.* You look well. Optimus. Been keeping busy?
Optimus Prime: Ironhide. Ratchet. Trion. *Slight smile, retracting facemask* I have been, but I'm guessing so have you three?
Ironhide: .....yeah. -shifts slightly-
Alpha Trion: *he nodded* Yes, in a manner of speaking. *He turned and looked at Ironhide and Ratchet, then turned back to Optimus.* Remember everything with Vector Sigma? The missing files?
Optimus Prime: Yes.
Alpha Trion: Well, I told you before that there -might- be a small chance of possibly replacing those files. Well, through the most basic form of information gathering, I believe we can do it.
Alpha Trion: Trial and Error.
Optimus Prime: Information gathering?
Optimus Prime: -oh.
Optimus Prime: *Blink*
Alpha Trion: *he held up the disk*
Optimus Prime: *Looks at Ironhide & Ratchet*
Ironhide: -shifts again-
Alpha Trion: This...is information on sparkbonding. Ironhide and Ratchet have volunteered for this.
Optimus Prime: ............oh.
Optimus Prime: *Small voice*
Ratchet: *he found himself shifting lightly as well*
Optimus Prime: *BackatTrion*
Optimus Prime: *Facemask may or may not be back up*
Optimus Prime: *Expression hidden = go!*
Alpha Trion: This only contains one...session, but it already holds valuable information.
Alpha Trion: *he paused, letting all that sink in.*
Optimus Prime: ...I...see. Purely academic, right...? *Read: Not actual recordings of you-know-what?*
Ironhide: ....
Ironhide: -gives Prime a look-
Alpha Trion: Yes, purely for academic reasons.
Ironhide: -yeah, doesn't care that you're his leader-
Alpha Trion: *read: no, not that!!!*
Optimus Prime: *Not looking at him*
Optimus Prime: *Nods*
Ratchet: *he nodded* I have looked over the equipment myself. It all checks out, as well.
Optimus Prime: Good. *Seems to regain his composure*
Alpha Trion: *he nodded* I have yet to go over the information with them, and I would like to do so before presenting it to anyone else.
Optimus Prime: Did you want to load it into the system afterwards, Trion? *Gestures to Teletraan*
Alpha Trion: *He looked over at 'Hide and Ratchet, raising an optic ridge, asking them permission*
Ironhide: -looks at Ratchet for a moment before giving him a slight nod, showing he was fine with it-
Ratchet: *He nodded after 'Hide, looking at Trion*
Alpha Trion: *he nodded back, then at Optimus* Yes, I would like to.
Optimus Prime: All right. *Beat* There already seems to be an access tied to you. *Opticbrowarch*
Ironhide: -takes a step closer to Ratchet-
Alpha Trion: *he walked up, and tapped a few things on it, then nodded* I have access to Teletraan One...or didn't you know? *he closed out his access to be reopened later*
Optimus Prime: I knew. I was just surprised when I found out. *Watches him for a moment, then looks at Ironhide and Ratchet* Thank you, both of you.
Ironhide: -glances at Prime, then at the screen, wanting to see the data-
Alpha Trion: *he looked back at the other two, and debated.* ...Unless, you would all three like to see it now...? *optic ridge raise*
Ratchet: *he looked at 'Hide, rather curious himself...*
Optimus Prime: ...
Optimus Prime: Perhaps an overview, Trion?...
Ironhide: ...he'll see it eventually anyways. -shifts-
Optimus Prime: *If you want him to leave...*
Ironhide: -it's just energy readings, right?-
Optimus Prime: *Has no idea. Hopes so*
Alpha Trion: *yes, just energy readings*
Alpha Trion: *he nodded, and tapped open his access again, gaining access to the ports and info he wanted. He inserted the disk, and waited for the holodisplay to come up...*
Ratchet: *he shifted from one foot to the other, anxious*
Optimus Prime: *watches*
Ironhide: -steps closer to him and wraps an arm around his waist loosely, watching-
Alpha Trion: *the screen came up finally, showing two different wavelengths.* This is before contact. You can see the different energy spikes from both.
Alpha Trion: *he pointed at the different spots*
Optimus Prime: *Nod*
Optimus Prime: *Inwardly: thankyouprimusididnotneedtoseevisualoraudialrecordings*
Alpha Trion: Now....*he skipped ahead to when contact was made* Here, is where contact is made. There is a momentary alignment, right here. *he paused the playback of the energy recording*
Alpha Trion: *and pointed*
Ratchet: *he blinked, amazed at seeing exactly what happened during this each time they....yeah. He grinned, watching*
Optimus Prime: *Nods again*
Ironhide: -he's kind of amazed as well, and had found himself trying to guess what caused the spikes seen earlier-
Alpha Trion: *he played the screen again.* Now, after intial contact, the energy falls out of alignment....
Alpha Trion: *he pointed at the spots again*
Alpha Trion: Then, as system overload approaches, you can see the alignment coming closer together again. But...
Optimus Prime: ...but...
Alpha Trion: *he ff'd to the recording of the system overload* It doesn't actually connect.
Alpha Trion: This...I believe, is where our problem is.
Optimus Prime: So...what we need is a total merger?
Optimus Prime: *Studying the hologram, face unreadable*
Alpha Trion: In order to get this to work...the Sparks need to be perfectly aligned - yes, basically.
Optimus Prime: ...assuming they do. Is it a sure chance that there will be...? *You know, another generated...?*
Ironhide: -pulls Ratchet a bit tighter to him-
Optimus Prime: Or do they have to be focusing on...?
Alpha Trion: To be honest, I do not know just yet. But I do know this. *he switched the screen to a sim.* This is what SHOULD happen, the longer the sparks stay in alignment. *he pointed, showing the perfect alignment...and a third, very faint resonance forming just barely below it.*
Optimus Prime: ...
Optimus Prime: *Murmur* The sum is greater than the parts...
Alpha Trion: Like an echo...
Alpha Trion: based off of the two main ones.
Ratchet: *he stared at the screen, shocked.* ...Primus...*softly*
Optimus Prime: *Rubs the bridge of his nose*
Optimus Prime: All I can think of is that the two Sparks need to focus themselves - not the processor, the Sparks themselves - on merging enough to create that echo...
Alpha Trion: It's said easier than done, of course.
Optimus Prime: Mm.
Optimus Prime: It would be.
Optimus Prime: *Exhales*
Optimus Prime: But all this...
Optimus Prime: ...it helps.
Alpha Trion: *his voice slightly off.* This is something that would take a lot to do. But....I believe it can be done.
Optimus Prime: *Nods*
Ironhide: -just listens, processing the information-
Alpha Trion: *he looked at Hide and Ratchet*
Optimus Prime: Are you going to continue the experiments?
Alpha Trion: With your permission, yes.
Ironhide: -looks at Ratchet- Yes. If you want to...?
Ratchet: *he nodded, too shocked to even really say anything, just staring at the screen, that third resonance*
Ironhide: ::...Ratchet?::
Ratchet: ::Yes, 'Hide..?::
Ironhide: ::You alright?:: -looks at that resonance himself-
Ratchet: ::...Yeah...just...wow...::
Alpha Trion: *he looked at Prime, waiting for his answer*
Optimus Prime: *Seems to realize they're waiting for him; looks up, blinking, then at Trion before nodding*
Optimus Prime: Consider it given.
Alpha Trion: *he nodded* Alright. We will continue, and will keep you updated.
Alpha Trion: *he looked at Hide and Ratchet, then pressed a button, the screen disapearing.* If you like, the three of us can go over this in more depth later?
Optimus Prime: *Looks at the medic & weapons specialist* It's up to you two.
Ironhide: Yeah. ...I want all the details. -quietly-
Ratchet: *he looked at 'Hide, then at Trion* ..Please.
Optimus Prime: All right. I'll expect to hear from you if something happens.
Alpha Trion: Understood. *he nodded and smiled at him, pulling out the datadisk*
Ratchet: *he looked at 'Hide* ....::There's a chance, it sounds like...::
Ironhide: -smiles, in a bit of a daze, and squeezes Ratchet's hip briefly- ::Looks like it...::
Optimus Prime: Good luck to us all. *Soft smile*
Optimus Prime: Primus willing, it won't be too long until we have the next generation running about.
Alpha Trion: *he nodded* Indeed. I have a feeling...we will need it.
Alpha Trion: *he smiled at that*
Alpha Trion: *And on that note!* I believe we should get going. I have a bit more data to go through before the next test.
Ratchet: *he smiled a bit at 'Hide, an arm across his shoulders, squeezing gently* We should....
Ironhide: ...just comm us when you need us.
Alpha Trion: *he nodded* I will be ready again tonight, however, I think we shall wait until tomorrow night. Every night can wear down your systems.
Ratchet: *he blinked, then nodded in agreement.* He's right, actually....
Optimus Prime: -you did something tonight?
Optimus Prime: *er*
Optimus Prime: *actually, you know, he doesn't need to know after all*
Ironhide: ...no. -shifts-
Alpha Trion: *he chuckled at the miscommunication*
Optimus Prime: *sry ironhide*
Alpha Trion: No, that wasn't what I meant.
Optimus Prime: My bad.
Ratchet: *he facepalmed*
Optimus Prime: *sry ratchet*
Ratchet: *he shook his head and sighed*
Ironhide: -looks at the floor, not looking at Prime, then back at the resonance-
Alpha Trion: Alright, everyone, let's go.
Optimus Prime: *Rubs the back of his head awkwardly*
Alpha Trion: *he reached over and turned off the screen, chuckling lightly*
Ironhide: ...when did you want to give us the details, Trion.
Alpha Trion: We can do that later tonight, if you like? Just have a small meeting?
Ratchet: *he looked thoughtful* ...
Ironhide: Just stop by our quarters when you get a chance, I guess.
Optimus Prime: I'll return to Teletraan-1, then. *Turns back, but as he moves by Trion, lowers his voice* Should I even wonder when or how you got access to it, Father?
Ironhide: -wait......Father?-
Ironhide: -looks between Trion and Prime-
Optimus Prime: *Doesn't seem to be aware Ironhide overheard*
Alpha Trion: *he smiled* I helped program it.
Optimus Prime: ...why am I not surprised.
Optimus Prime: *Just...shakes his head*
Alpha Trion: *he chuckled*
Alpha Trion: Come on, let's get out of here. I am sure you have a mate to go to who is missing you. *he smiled softly*
Optimus Prime: I've got a bit more work to do. *Wry smile* Not much more, but it still needs to be done.
Alpha Trion: *he nodded* Then don't be too long. I will see you later then...?
Ratchet: *he looked at 'Hide and pulled at him gently* ::Shall we?::
Ironhide: -squeezes his hip again- ::Yeah. Let's go.::
Ratchet: Trion, We're gonna head out
Ratchet: ...
Optimus Prime: *Nod*
Alpha Trion: *He looked at them and nodded* Alright.
Ratchet: *he turned with 'Hide and slipped out the door...*
Ironhide: -leaves with Ratchet, shaking his head over the 'Father' comment-

will, log, alpha trion, optimus prime, ratchet, ironhide

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