Welcome + FAQ

Mar 14, 2012 02:26

Welcome to Crack Ship Big Bang, a multi-fandom writing challenge centered on crack or odd pairings. As a participant, your objective will be to take a crack pairing and write a story with a minimum of 10,000 words about it. Think you're ready to start? Well, go right ahead and sign up here. Got some more questions? Keep reading. :)

What is a "big bang"?

A "big bang" is a writing challenge where you have to produce a lengthy fic. For this particular one, you have to create a 10,000-word story. After submitting your fic, an artist will then create an illustration, graphic, fanmix, or fanvid to accompany it.

Can I exceed 10,000 words?

Of course, you can! 10,000 words is the minimum and you are definitely free to write a longer story.

Can I write a shorter story?

Actually, we have a shorter-story option! When applying, you can also choose to create a 5,000-word story referred to as a "mini-bang". As long as your story is between 5,000 and 10,000 words, it counts as a mini-bang.

If I feel that my mini-bang can turn into a big bang, can I switch halfway through?

Yes, you are welcome to switch to a big bang. You have until the second check-in to switch. If you are starting from a big bang and feel that you must switch to a mini-bang though, you are given until the third check-in post.

What are the minimum requirements for artists?

At least two of the following options: (a) an illustration of at least 600x600 pixels, (b) a fanmix containing at least 6 tracks plus front and back covers, (c) a set of at least 5 icons, (d) a fanvid which runs for at least 2 minutes, (e) a wallpaper, (f) a graphic or manip of at least 500x500 pixels. Yes, you are allowed to repeat options. And once you have completed the requirements, you are free to create more. ETA: For a mini-bang, the minimum requirement is at least one of the aforementioned options.

What is a "crack ship"?

A crack ship is a pairing which consists of characters who have barely interacted or who have not shown any interest in each other in canon. Interest beyond friendship or merely coexisting with each other, we mean. They may have not met or may not even be from the same fandom, in fact. Some examples would include: (1) Loki/Jane from Thor (2011), who did not meet or speak to each other in the film; (2) Castiel/Jo from Supernatural, who have met in the show but were not romantically linked; and (3) Dean/Caroline from Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries respectively, who are not even from the same fandom. You can find more information about crack pairings here.

Are crossovers allowed?

Yes, of course! A lot of crack pairings stem from partnering two characters who come from two different fandoms.

Is gen fic allowed?

Ideally, we would prefer romantic ships for this challenge; however, a "ship" technically refers to a relationship and so some gen fic may also fall under the category of crack ships. Provided that your focus is still on your main characters and their relationship, you are allowed to write gen fic as well.

Are threesomes/foursomes/moresomes allowed?

Unfortunately, for this round, no, threesomes and moresomes are not allowed. We may allow them in the succeeding rounds though.

Can I have original characters in my story?

Yes, you may use original characters; however, the main pairing must not include one.

Can I write RPF?

Sorry, but no. We are only allowing characters from anime/manga, book, TV show, movie, and game fandoms for this challenge.

Can I co-write a story with a friend?

Yes, but you will both have to commit to write a big bang. By default, you will be splitting the work and writing about 5,000 words each, yes?

Can I write more than one story?

Yes, you are allowed to write up to three, which includes co-written fic. Artists will be allowed to claim up to four stories, two big bangs and two mini-bangs, provided they submit for their first claims before starting on the next.

Can I sign up to be both an author and an artist?

Yes, you can sign up to be both as long as you can handle it.

Are WIPs allowed?

Technically, no, your story must be completely new and for this challenge. There is a loophole though. If your story has not been posted anywhere online, you may submit it here; however, we would prefer that it be within 3,000 to 5,000 words or so and that you add more to it. (Yeah, this is a bit of a gray area, so it would it be best to write something new.) For artists, we'd prefer something new as well, as there is, at this point, no way of knowing who you'll get yet.

Does my story have to be beta read?

We trust that you will do one of the following: (a) beta and edit your own story, (b) have your own beta work on your story, (c) ask one of the volunteer beta readers. There will be a beta volunteer post sometime during the round.

As an artist, how do I know which story I will be creating for?

There will be a claiming post sometime after the third check-in. The authors will be asked to submit a rough summary of their story and you will be able to choose from the roster. This is on a first come, first served basis. ETA: During the claiming period, there will now be two posts, one for big bangs and another for mini-bangs. Artists may claim up to four stories, two from each post, provided they complete their first two claims before signing up to do more.

Can I work together with my artist once they are working on their submission?

Yes, you can work with them, but bear in mind that this is their own interpretation of your story and so they must also be given their own space to create. You are free to create your own graphics or fanworks to accompany your story and you may even include them in your final post, but the highlights will be your story and your artist's creation.

Can I submit early?

Yes, whether you are an author or an artist, you are free to submit your work early. Kindly e-mail your submissions to: crackshipbigbang@gmail.com. We will be sure to confirm once we have received your e-mail.

Can I post my submission anywhere else?

Yes, you are free to post your fic or art elsewhere, but you must wait until after the round concludes. Ideally, once posting begins, you may link to your submissions if they are posted in your personal journal or a fic journal. (You may also host your submissions here.) E-mailing us is simply a way for you to tell us you are done, and a way for us to check through your work.

Are there any templates or codes for submissions/posts/etc.?

Yes, you don't need to worry about that right now. We will be posting instructions and reminders as the round progresses.

What if I can't finish my story? Or what if I miss a deadline?

If you can't finish your story, you have until the third check-in post to drop out. Please contact us either way. If you miss a check-in, you're still safe, but you must at least contact us, again, by the third one. It's the check-in before the submission of your summary, so it's one of the deadliest deadlines, too.

So, what's the schedule?

For our first round:
March 26, 2012: Sign-ups for both authors and artists officially open!
April 30, 2012: First check-in for authors.
May 28, 2012: Second check-in for authors. Sign-ups for authors close!
~ If you want to switch to a big bang, this is your deadline.
June 25, 2012: Third check-in for authors.
~ If you need to switch to a mini-bang, this is your deadline.
~ If you need to drop out of the challenge, this is your deadline.
July 30, 2012: Rough summaries are due!
~ Please make sure that you will definitely be submitting a story.
August 11, 2012: Claiming post for artists open!
August 25, 2012: Claiming post for artists close! Sign-ups for artists close!
September 22, 2012: Final submissions due for both authors and artists!
October 13, 2012: Posting in the comm begins!
October 27, 2012: Posting in the comm ends!

I have a question which wasn't explained in this post!

No worries, you can leave a comment, send Kat / starianprincess a PM, or email us, again, at crackshipbigbang@gmail.com.

!mod post, !schedule, !faq

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