Filled request for majellah - Celebs - Aaron Stanford

Aug 02, 2006 23:53

I decided to combine both instruction posts into one, now that the free account tutorial is unnecessary thanks to Plus accounts and their ability to keep mood themes after you've switched back to basic. The all-account instruction post is now here. The old free account instructions post is still up, I just won't be linking to it in every post ( Read more... )

requests, celebs

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Comments 38

xyouwereminex August 3 2006, 07:36:45 UTC
Downloading will credit when I use.


hazy_crazy August 3 2006, 07:50:40 UTC
oh em geee, thanks so much!! I'm definitely taking and will credit =D


fadedpresence August 3 2006, 08:21:09 UTC
This is brilliant! Snagging the one without the border :D


thequeenofpink August 3 2006, 08:25:06 UTC
I love you.

Totally taking. You're awesome.


drashee August 3 2006, 09:25:30 UTC
I memorize this entry... I'm really tempted to use the MT. :D


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