Filled request for baggers - Other TV - Law & Order SVU - Olivia/Elliot

Jun 22, 2006 01:54

Most moods are from caps of episodes, but because the show's not so much with the happy and the smiling, I used some of the actors together as well. Enjoy!

SVU - Olivia/Elliot

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Comments 67

dutchtulips June 22 2006, 06:18:20 UTC
Looks lovely! Stupendous job. ;-)


hardveneer June 22 2006, 06:53:37 UTC
0_o I'm no shipper of this couple but I don't think I can resist putting up a mood theme that has Olivia in it. Cannot thank you enough for making this, muah! I'll credit when it's used. :)


stablerbenson June 22 2006, 09:56:50 UTC
The pathetic part is...this makes me so happy I could cry. I've had such a horrible past two days so coming on and seeing this elates me beyond words. :)


floridaisy June 22 2006, 10:06:08 UTC
What wonderful pics!! I'm taking it - my first customized mood theme! Thanks so much for making & sharing


mikka_svu June 22 2006, 10:33:41 UTC

THANKS! These are just AWESOME! :D


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