Battlestar Galactica - Kara/Lee

Dec 10, 2005 01:15

The theme includes images from the mini series, season 1, and season 2. Spoilers for all aired episodes. All images (except for mini-series caps, which are mostly by me) are from

Update (June 30th 2006): Updated to include images from season 2.5. Caps thanks to hdtv_caps and ariane179254.

Update (Jan 22 2007): Updated to include images from season 3.0. ( Read more... )

ships, bsg

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Comments 116

desuete December 10 2005, 07:18:23 UTC
Ooooh, pretty.

Definitely downloading, thanks so much.


brianna_aisling December 10 2005, 08:37:51 UTC
Lovely. I've saved it though I don't know if or when I'll use it, but if I do, I will most certainly credit you.


syliasyliasylia December 10 2005, 10:38:25 UTC
This is just what I needed! I've downloaded & installed it, yay! I've credit you in my info description! Thanks for this lovely mood theme!


mands_angelfox December 10 2005, 13:44:55 UTC
taking the mood theme

will credit


hebbuli December 10 2005, 13:49:36 UTC
So saving this for later use!

Thanks and will credit you :)


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