Battlestar Galactica - Full Series

Dec 10, 2005 00:09

Why didn't I start watching this show sooner? Damn.

The theme includes images from the mini series, season 1, and season 2. Spoilers for all aired episodes. All images (except for mini-series caps, which are mostly by me) are from

Battlestar Galactica Full Series

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Comments 59

fahrbotdrusilla December 16 2005, 08:41:58 UTC
taking this will credit! I agree a Gaius or a Gaius/Six one would be awesome!


honeybearbee December 16 2005, 21:31:39 UTC
I am taking. I'll credit as soon as I use it.


amiyuy December 26 2005, 03:53:44 UTC
Downloaded and will credit when used! Thanks!!! ^_^


maiel_alcinoe December 30 2005, 20:44:41 UTC
Downloaded and will credit when I use. This is great! Thanks.


drewcypher January 11 2006, 20:32:36 UTC
I loved it. I took it. I loaded it. I credited it. I'm using it. I took a bunch more, too. Thanks. You are awesome and I love your layout, too.


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