Filled request for khestral - House MD - House/Cameron

Oct 21, 2005 16:05

Thanks to the following people for caps:, lixabiz, cosmo_mouse, unrehearsed_, and bluebear_74. My other House mood themes can be found here.


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Comments 89

squibblyicecube October 21 2005, 21:42:31 UTC

djeterg19 October 21 2005, 23:01:18 UTC
Squee! A House/Cameron moodtheme. Snagging for later use. Will credit when used. Thanks!


veracifix October 21 2005, 23:14:20 UTC
i :heart: you. Thanks so much, i'm taking this as well, and will credit :)


violette_b October 21 2005, 23:53:04 UTC
You are completely awesome. You always do such an amazing job on these themes, and H/C just makes this one a million times better :D Snagging and changing and crediting in my user info &hearts


stevie_jane October 21 2005, 23:54:35 UTC

I'll stick this in my memories so I know it's here when I want a moodtheme change. It's very well put together, I like it a lot.


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