Title: The One Where Sanada Didn't Cuddle
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sanada/Atobe, OT5 verse
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Author's Note: Drabble for that guy, from this one, with love and respect.
Sanada's goddamned boyfriends. Were all over each other. Over there sat Tezuka and Ryoma, playing some idiotic BL dating game, practically making out between each move. And over there stood Fuji and Atobe, trying to COOK together, but really using the whole scenario as an excuse to misuse kitchen equipment...
Sanada glared at them all, and realized in short order that nobody even noticed.
He walked off to his room.
...Where he was greeted by the sight of a big old nothing, nothing but tatami and a futon neatly unfurled for the night. Not even a teddy bear. He stripped, as he usually did, exercised, as he usually did, and then lay down on the empty sheets, alone.
His thoughts felt pretty blank. His bed felt the same. He fluffed his pillow, pulled a corner close to him, curled around it a little. Then he shut his eyes and willed his mind, emptily, to sleep.
Sometime in the middle of the night he realized he was curled around something warm and soft. He squeezed, it sighed. He rubbed his crotch against something inviting, and it wiggled back. He smiled in his sleep at the nice soft dream, rubbed his nose into golden hair, twined his arms around a slender waist and dug his fingers into flat abs. The other one melded into him, and his dreams took on the consistency of mochi, sweet and sticky.
Sanada woke up to an empty bed, his arms curled around his pillow, legs holding it tight. His mouth went dry for a moment, and he felt the wind rush out of him.
And then his eyes rose a little to take in the man sitting cross-legged in front of him, smile sardonic. "Baka."
Sanada smiled back.
It was going to be a good day.