Falsely Accused by Nancy (PG 13??)

Jan 15, 2009 23:58

Fandom: NCIS & L&O SVU 
Pairing: Tony/Gibbs
Length: 1,000+
Author on LJ: slashy_me
Author Website: www.thetenthmuse1.madbrilliant.com

Why this must be read:
(edited rec version...b/c I guess I can be a little nicer, hmph.)
For those of us enlightened by Nancy's works than you know how hard it was for me to pick just one. But crossovers made it easier...What I should really say is that Nancy's work is some of the best ever compiled on the web for any of her written fandoms. And that if you hadn't taken time out of your busy daily life you should to read her works...

Just imagine Tony and Stabler in the same interrogation room and you can get the picture. Lots of DiNozzo family drama and Gibbs posessiveness in the fic as well.

Since I had to pick one this one is it...

crossover, ncis, law & order: svu, fanfic

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