Highlander/Yami no Matsuei (NC-17)

Apr 15, 2008 11:15

Title: When Methos Met Muraki, by Amand-r (NC-17)
Pairing: Methos/Muraki
Author on LJ: amand_r
Author Website: for recent work, try her LJ tag fanfic
Why this must be read:
I usually avoid crossovers like the plague unless I see a strong rec or work by an author I really, really like. Highlander has been overrun by them lately, 90% of them featuring Methos transplanted into another universe, infodumping and humping and snarking like Christmas. Bah, humbug. I am currently enjoying the pants off one that's Duncan-centric ("To Touch the Face" by macgeorge1, HL/Constantine), but it's a WIP and ineligible. However, in searching through recent months' worth of posts, I found one I'd overlooked by a favorite author, involving a fandom that I don't know but that was fun to read and fine and sexy regardless.* Comments indicate that knowledge of the crossed show is gravy. However, for the X-over-phobes whose eyes may have fallen on this by accident, go and read. It has snarky humping Methos in a pickle, saying things like:

You had been sitting at the bar, drinking ridiculously priced sake, your bar tab making up for the management's poor sales for the last three years -really, a bar in this place? What had they been thinking?-when he had come in, and he had been very handsome, and kind of alluring, and yet you had thought to yourself that there's something to mistrust in a man who wore all white.

That should have been a fucking clue.

But you'd had to flirt, and you'd had to drink some more sake, and you'd had to cut yourself and let it heal in the open. So pretty much you had to end up like this, in the bottom of a temple, hog-tied and waiting for him to come back.

Really, it had been like amateur hour.

Sounds good, yes?

When Methos Met Muraki

*ETA: And creepy and disturbing.

crossover, yami no matsuei, highlander, fanfic

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