thursday: het and other slash

Mar 31, 2011 11:19


Romance and Shiner Bock Don't Mix
keerawa | PG | Dean/OFC
In which Sam attempts to cock-block his brother.
Spot-on snapshot of Dean's pick-up technique. A fabulous echo of canon that is insightful and hilarious.

Other Slash

Strategic Sleeping
glassyskies | PG-13 | Castiel/Balthazar
Castiel doesn't like sleeping at night as it reminds him of when he was falling, so Balthazar introduces him to naps.
The clipped truths featured throughout the prose paint a full portrait of this complex relationship; it's stunning in all ways.

and all night long you drove me wild with your equations
janie_tangerine | NC-17 | Dean/Castiel
Wherein Castiel is human for good, and both he and Dean are set on making good use of the time they have left.
An intricate and intimate look into Castiel's pov. The warm flow of the prose and the way the hotness and emotion intertwine make this a wonderful read.

No More Rain
miscellanium | PG-13 | gen with Dean/Castiel UST
There's a drought in the Midwest and an angel in the backseat. Nobody's quite sure why he's there, but when the brothers pick up a case and Castiel invites himself along, it turns out that the answer-or something like it, anyway-is in Nebraska.
A casefile with an evocative atmosphere that uses warmer moments to offset a bleak mood, with Sam, Dean, and Castiel pov, Sam and Dean watching out for each other, and a delightful, subtle tension between Dean and Castiel. As a bonus, there's some nicely drawn Castiel and Bobby interaction.

Single Female Lawyer
tawg | NC-17 | Shameless Sam/Castiel PWP. Blowjobs, come play, sex in a professional space.
AU fic. Sam is less than impressed when his sexual history starts making the rounds at the firm, but when that prompts Castiel the clerk to admit that he’s never had sex... Well, every cloud has a silver lining.
If you love boys who have prolonged and messy orgasms, this fic is for you.

het and other slash

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