your breath on my neck like a music that holds my hands downlocknkey | NC-17 | AU, Sam/Dean/Sam threesome, vague torture
Sometimes the job takes Sam and Dean further than they'd ever plannedto go. Time and space are no barriers when Sam is in danger.
Two alternative universes collide leaving Sam and Dean to save another Sam before his Dean can get there. What results is some of the best hurt/comfort scenes and porn that you'll read anywhere, but always present is the inevitable love story of Sam and Dean - in any dimension.
Inexorablefaunaana | NC-17 | s.6 spoilers
It's a parody of desire he's stepped into, and he knows there'ssomething waiting to slam into him, ready to mock him for evenmomentarily enjoying this.
This unfolds in one layer after another, revealing Sam's struggle withdestiny and free will, until it reaches the juicy center filled with hope.
The Weightmoragmacpherson &
callowyn | NC-17 | PWP
After meeting Max Miller and learning about Sam's powers, Dean and Sam push some newfound limits.
Fantastic PWP with snarky dialogue, superpowers, manhandling and sex the Winchester style :D