Fandom: LEWIS
Pairing: Robbie Lewis & James Hathaway
Length: 3k
Author Website:
Emungere at the AO3 Why this must be read:
This is a stunning story that explores Hathaway's emotional state post Life Born of Fire. It's beautifully and thoughtfully written but somehow also matter-of-fact and understated. So much is seething below Hathaway's surface here, and it's funny too-with great Hathaway/Lewis banter. All this and it finishes with an emotional kick that left me heart-sore and happy. (There is
another short fic in this series that comes before, also totally wonderful. There may be more to come in the series but the stories both read as complete in themselves, hence the rec.)
He's Lewis's sergeant. It's a peculiar thing to be, simultaneously less and more than a friend, sometimes little more than an extra body for Lewis to command, sometimes half of a whole.
Hathaway's Heart, Third Declension Nouns, and Other Oddities