we will build a new world by brojan (r)

Jul 04, 2012 10:32

Pairing: David Villa/Lionel Messi
Length: ~1450 words
Author on LJ: brojan
Author Website: Master Fic List

Why this must be read: Given Spain's history and ongoing regional tensions, it should come as no surprise that AUs involving civil war have become a popular subgenre in Football RPF involving players in La Liga. In honor of the 4th of July, I give you one of my favorites, which finds David Villa taking refuge with Leo Messi in Barcelona once the bombs start dropping on Madrid. The author deftly eschews political commentary while including enough details to convey the chaos and claustrophobia, as well as the comfort that these two men take in each other. Bring tissues.

we will build a new world

rpf, rpf: professional athlete, fanfic

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