Warning!!! There are spoilers for the show within--big time spoilers. I'm not sure how one can really give an overview of a show that is already through its run without spoiling some major plot points. So caveat lector!
Also, I must admit that my synopsis is a little slash biased--errr, sorry.
Overview of the show:
This is quite difficult since there is a lot to Highlander, many different terms, many different characters of variable importance, six seasons to try to boil down into a few paragraphs. Important definitions follow, so read those if you get confused.
Also, I'm kinda new to this fandom, (uh, like really new), so if I've missed anything important or misrepresented something, please post in the comments below and I'll fix it!
Duncan MacLeod is an accidental hero in some respects. He pretty much tries to stay out of The Game and rarely goes 'hunting'. However, he is constantly being challenged by those who have wicked intentions and he is also a bit judgmental so he's often getting involved in challenges 'for the good of the world'.
The show starts in Seacouver, United States, where Duncan is living with his girlfriend Tessa. They take in Richie, a troubled kid, and tote him around the world with them when they travel. They spend 6 months in Seacouver and 6 months in Paris, essentially, throughout the entire series.
We are introduced to The Watchers in the second season. We find out that there is a secret society of mortals who watch and keep track of the lives of the Immortals in documents they call Chronicles, but never interfere in the immortals' lives. That is, until a rogue band of Watchers headed by a guy named Horton decide that Immortals are aberrations and need to be destroyed.
That's when Duncan meets Joe Dawson, his Watcher. A gradual trust is won between them as Joe helps him to defeat Horton over the next few seasons.
Tessa and Richie are killed in a mugging. Lo and behold! Richie was a Pre-Immortal, so now he's Immortal, too.
Duncan falls in love again, (rather quickly if you ask me), with this doctor named Anne. He ends up accidentally dying in front of her and takes off for Paris leaving her to think he's really dead. After some advice from good old Joe, Duncan tells Anne about being Immortal, but she's gone and gotten knocked up from a rebound one-night stand and, after being exposed to the realities of The Game, doesn't want her daughter, Mary, to be put at risk.
While trying to solve the murder of a Watcher who implicated an immortal named Methos at his death, (it was really this very bad guy named Kalas), Duncan meets Adam Pierson and instantly recognizes him as Methos. It is love at first sight! Heh.
Lots of troubling and bad things occur, including Duncan taking a Dark Quickening that turns him evil for a few episodes, until the end of the fifth season when Duncan kills Richie when he's tricked by the Demon Ahriman. He begs Methos to take his head. Methos says, "Absolutely not." (See? Love.)
I haven't seen the last season yet, so I don't know what happens after that. Uh, that's basically it.
The main slash pairing is Duncan/Methos--however, there are stories featuring Duncan/Richie (ew, may as well be incest), Methos/Joe and others.
Pre-Immortal: I think this is a fanon term. Before an individual becomes Immortal, they are Pre-Immortal. They age normally, scar normally, heal normally, get sick like any other person, etc. They do seem to emit a low grade signature or quickening that alerts other Immortals to the fact that the individual is a Pre-Immortal.
First Death: A Pre-Immortal must die once before triggering their Immortality. After that, they can be killed over and over and over, ad nauseum, without actually permanently dying, unless someone cuts off their head.
Quickening: This term is used in fiction to describe two separate things. One is an event and the other is a sensation. Each Immortal contains power that can be felt by other Immortals who are within a certain radius of each other. It is like an alarm system that notifies the Immortal that there is danger. The sensation of this power is often described as the other Immortal's Quickening--although the term "signature" is also used to describe the sensing of another Immortal's presence/power.
The second definition is an event: when one Immortal chops off the head of another Immortal's head, their power, their Quickening, is passed to the champion of the challenge usually via huge electrical-like shocks that resemble lightning shooting up from the ground. It usually shorts out all the lights, etc, in the area as well.
Taking another Immortal's Quickening is a draining experience and appears to be alternately exquisite and painful. I'm not sure if it is canon or fanon, but a lot of stories will discuss Immortals being rather randy after taking a Quickening. Also, I don't know if this is fanon or canon, but some stories will imply that an individual who takes a Quickening will become aware of some of the memories, etc, of the beheaded Immortal.
The Game: The whole going around and chopping one another's heads off business is referred to as The Game. Essentially, there are three rules for The Game--1) No fighting or taking heads on Holy Ground. 2) Once a challenge is issued no other Immortal may interfere, insuring one-on-one combat. 3) There can be only One. Anything else is fair game.
The Prize: The Prize for 'winning' The Game, i.e. being the last Immortal standing, is the ability to rule the world or some such nonsense.
Student/Teacher: When an individual first becomes an Immortal, they will hopefully stumble across someone who is willing to be their teacher. Show them how to fight with a sword, teach them the rules of the Game, etc. It generally becomes like a parent/child relationship, although, there is evidence of student/teacher relationship being lover-like between some Immortals--like Byron and Methos. (Yes, Lord Byron.)
Pics & Bios:
Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod (Adrian Paul):
To quote the intro to the show:
"He is Duncan MacLeod born in 1592 in the Highlands of Scotland and he is still alive. He is Immortal. For 400 years he's been a warrior, a lover, a wanderer. Constantly facing other immortals in combat to the death, the winner takes his enemy's head and with it his power….In the end there can be only one. May it be Duncan MacLeod--The Highlander."
Duncan was chased out of his clan upon his first death and lived as a wanderer until his clansman Connor MacLeod, also an Immortal, took him in and became his teacher. Duncan is seen by many to be the Immortal most likely to take The Prize, (i.e. be the last one standing/rule over mankind), due to his skill, strength, bravery and the power in his Quickening due to the number of powerful/old Immortals he has taken out of The Game.
Duncan is broody with a strong sense of right and wrong/black and white. He feels guilty over nearly everything, taking personal responsibility for things he can't control. This often results in Duncan getting involved in situations that aren't necessarily his to be involved with because he thinks he's 'right'.
There was a gypsy curse placed on Duncan in his (comparative) youth foretelling that any woman he marries will die. So far this curse has held true--he married and Native American named Little Deer and she was slaughtered along with their tribe. He got engaged to Tessa Noel and she died, too, in a mugging.
Methos/Adam Pierson/Dr. Benjamin Adams/Death (Peter Wingfield):
Methos, the world's oldest man, remembers taking his first head approximately 5,000 years ago, but before that things get kind of 'hazy'. He has no memory of his first death and no recollection of his life before he became Immortal. He is wily, sneaky and doesn't play fair. He claims to have stood on the same stage as Julius Caesar and The Rolling Stones.
Methos was assumed to be a myth and nearly everyone believed that he is dead. However,
Methos has been hiding out in the Watcher organization for 10 years, pretending to be a mild-mannered researcher by the name of Adam Pierson. He managed to get assigned to the Methos Chronicles and was put in charge of finding himself, basically, and as he put it, he makes sure that he never gets found.
When Duncan is sent to visit Adam Pierson to get some information about Methos, he finds a very old immortal instead of a young researcher. He takes one look at the flirty guy, (who is indeed looking at MacLeod like he wants to jump his bones) and guesses that it is Methos. Rather than deny it, Adam Pierson acknowledges that it is true. It was love at first sight!
Then, worried that Duncan won't be able to defeat the bad guy (Kalas), Methos offers Duncan his head saying that he doesn't have the fire any more to win Challenges. Duncan refuses to take his head. Love! Love!
Methos has a problem though. He wasn't always such a sweet guy. Yep, once upon a time, oh, about two thousand years ago, or so, he rode with three other not so nice guys, murdering, raping and pillaging across two continents. He doesn't tell MacLeod about this because, duh, MacLeod's all about doing the right thing and he's not really good at the forgiveness/non-judgmental thing.
So, of course, eventually Methos is found out. He and Duncan have this spectacular fight that includes a lot of yelling, shoving and tears (yes, tears) that ends with MacLeod saying, "We're through." It's love. Love, I tell you!
Anyway, after awhile they sort of make up and things continue along until the end of the series. I guess you can tell that I kind of like Methos, huh?
Oh, and he really likes beer.
Richie Ryan (Stan Kirsch):
Richie was introduced in the first season as a punk kid from the streets that tries to break into Duncan and, then girlfriend, Tessa's antique/art store. Duncan takes him under his wing in an effort to rehabilitate the kid and, of course, it is wildly successful. Duncan and Tessa treat Richie like he is their child, dragging him with them to Paris and back to Seacouver. Not that Richie minds--oh, no. He knows how good he's got it.
Then! Tragedy! Richie and Tessa are mugged and they are both shot and killed. Well, it turns out that Richie was a pre-Immortal and, thus, he lives. Tessa dies. Guilt! Angst! Anyway, Richie becomes MacLeod's student and they continue on their father/son path until some bad stuff happens and Richie strikes out on his own.
Oh, Richie likes to race motorcycles and he loves girls.
There is this episode, near the end of the fifth season, where Duncan is deluded into thinking that Richie is a demon and cuts his head off. Yeah. It really sucks. Anyway, most people live in denial that ever happened and pretend that Richie is alive and well.
Joe Dawson (Jim Byrnes):
Joe Dawson is Duncan MacLeod's Watcher. He was in Vietnam where he lost both of his legs and he walks using prosthetics. He owns a blues bar and plays the blues. He is extremely loyal and tries to do the right thing.
Duncan didn't like him to begin with because he hated the idea that someone knew all of the details of his life and that his privacy had been invaded for years. Hell, wouldn't you? Not to mention there was a really bad group of Watchers-gone-bad who were out hunting and killing Immortals. Duncan didn't understand that not all Watchers are trying to kill Immortals.
He broke Watcher rules entirely by introducing himself to MacLeod and becoming part of MacLeod's, or any Immortal's, life. The Watchers put him on trial for treason when they discovered the extent of his breach of his Watcher oath. Duncan and Methos had to come to his rescue.
Joe is Methos' friend from being in the Watchers together and it often seems that that Joe is Methos' best friend, one of the few people with whom he opens up. Some disturbed people write Methos/Joe slash fic--and I just might be sick enough to read it. *evil grin*
Amanda (Elizabeth Gracen):
Amanda has been Duncan's lover and friend off and on for hundreds of years. She is something like 1,200 years old and is a spectacular thief. Considering her age, it'd be a good guess to assume she's Immortal. *wink* She's bitchy, she's cynical, she's a big, old softie on the inside and she is really sexy. She is one of my all-time favorite female characters.
She and Duncan have agreed that they could not have a relationship that was committed, so they pretty much just screw each other when she comes around. She likes to cause problems for him by stealing things or bringing along Immortals who want to take Duncan's head. The number of times that Duncan has nearly died because of Amanda are probably countless--and, yet, he loves her. Also, if anyone can get better pics of her, that'd be great. I was shocked at how few exist of her on the net.
Tessa Noel (Alexandra Vandernoot):
Tessa Noel was Duncan's girlfriend for the first couple of seasons. She was an artist, a sculptor and she wore these hideous eighties outfits. Uh, but, beyond that, she was the only mortal woman that Duncan had ever told about his immortality and about The Game. She met Duncan when she was much younger and aged to the point that she looked older than him. She was a feisty woman who could, and did, hold her own. Fans either liked Tessa or hated her--I'm in the camp who liked her. Well, except for her clothes.
More Minor Characters Who Are Often Featured Or Mentioned In Fic:
Kronos (Valentine Pelka):
Kronos was the leader of The Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse--the band of really bad guys that Methos rode with when he was being not so nice for a few thousand years. Obviously, he's an Immortal. Kronos is obsessive and craves power. He and Methos as lovers is very nearly text. His obsession with Methos is clear. Methos' own ambivalent feelings for his 'brother' are also clear.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse
(Caspian, Silas, Methos, Kronos):
Ah, the bad, bad, bad guys. They raped, they murdered, they burned--they were feared across two continents for a millenia or two. They called them "The End Of The World". They had no mercy. They killed for pleasure and power.
Kronos reappears in the fifth season wanting to put the Horsemen back together again. Methos agrees to help him. When MacLeod comes to rescue his friend Cassandra, Methos turns on his brothers and takes Silas' head just as Mac takes Kronos' head resulting in a Double Quickening where they share the Quickening of both and possibly each other.
Darius (Werner Stocker):
A very old immortal who was originally a great warrior, but after taking a Light Quickening at the gates of Paris long, long ago, he turned to God and has been a priest ever since. Darius was a great friend to many immortals and especially to Duncan. He tried to teach Duncan to give up vengeance and live in peace. He was murdered by Horton on Holy Ground. Duncan found him and wigged out totally.
Alexa Bond (Ocean Hellman):
Alexa Bond attracted Adam Pierson's attention while she was working at Joe Dawson's bar. He falls for her pretty much at first glance and went into major geek mode when courting her. She tries to rebuff him--it turns out she's dying (oh, how sad). Methos convinces her to travel across the country with him in a VW van and then travel the world until she is too sick to travel any more. Eventually, she dies. Methos is sad. Blah, blah, blah.
Cassandra (Tracy Scoggins):
Cassandra is a See-er and has visions of the future. She makes prophesies. She foretells Duncan as the Champion against the Demon Ah-rhiman, etc. But, before she was Cassandra the See-er, she was Methos' slave in the Horseman's camp. His preferred lover and she hates him for killing her tribe, enslaving her, raping her and then handing her over to Kronos when he was done with her. Well, that's her side of the story, anyway.
Major fic archive links:
The Seventh Dimension: Slash/Gen/Het
Highlander Quill Club: Slash/Gen/Het
Methos Boxer Brigade: All Methos, all the time. Slash/Gen/Het
Lapsus Linguae: Duncan/Methos Slash
The Really Old Guy Yahoo Group Recs List: Slash/Gen/Het
Feel free to leave additional links in comments below.
shaggirl, if I didn't do this right, just let me know! Thanks! I'm very excited about this community!