Friday- Vids/Arts/Icons/Misc.

Jun 27, 2014 08:56

Redemption/Redemption - Castiel Point of View

themadknightuniverse | Unrated by artist (Teen) | canon level of blood/hell imagery
Reccer’s summary: Castiel rescuing Dean from hell.
The contrast between the two figures is striking, particularly when the two pieces are taken together, with the determination on Castiel’s face and the resignation on Dean’s. Gorgeous interpretation.

Sleepy early morning Cas

brightfallenstars | Unrated by artist (G) |
Reccer’s summary: disheveled and sleepy Castiel in a Led Zeppelin t-shirt.
Who wouldn’t want to see this sleepy fellow wander into the kitchen in search of coffee?


cellstiel | Unrated by artist (G) | demon!Dean/Cas
Caption: "Gee, that’s very sweet of you, angel."
"I, uh… that a flirtation?"
Tim-Burton-esque cartoon that really captures the surreality of Castiel using his wings to shelter demon!Dean from the rain.

Help, I’m in love with Charlie

missmeggsie | Unrated by artist (G) |
Reccer’s summary: portrait of Charlie Bradbury.
The shy grin and the eyes just draw the viewer right into this lovely drawing.

Trueform Meg

quickreaver | Unrated by artist (Teen) |
Reccer’s summary: artist’s conception of Meg’s true face.
Two parts demon, one part Medusa, and all the attitude that is Meg, wrapped up in a single picture.

Art for A Little Bear and his Wolf
meesasometimes | G | No warnings.
Embroidered, multimedia banner and portraits depicting bear and wolf.
I'm a sucker for unusual mediums, and this was executed so beautifully. The fabric backgounds lend whimsy to the perfectly stitched scenes, and the selections from the text give it a storybook feel.

Pink is my Favorite Color
a_biting_smile | R | Cross-dressing, very mild gore
Early-season Sam (so no tattoo) in panties and a blindfold.
Physically perfect Sam + early-season hair + panties and blindfold = GAAAAAH.


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