When Hell Came to Our Home Update February 26

Feb 26, 2011 10:55

Master Post

Sorry to be late.  We've been busy getting moved.

After we met with Choctaw County DHS on Wednesday, December 15 we prepared to move into the new house.  Unfortunately the sellers had "issues" that we were still dealing with (Good grief, the post I'll write on them when I get the time!), one of those issues being a pack of huge, vicious ( Read more... )

personal, harassment

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Comments 10

swordznsorcery February 28 2011, 19:08:07 UTC
I'm so sorry about your animals. I've lost chickens and rabbits to foxes in the past, and whilst it is a fact of life, it still sucks. It must be especially bad now, when you need all the continuity you can get. And you never did manage to find your daughter's dog? That could still have a happy ending of course. Is it microchipped?

I'd like to think that there was somebody you could throw the book at for all of this, but I guess even if you did know who to aim for, it wouldn't work. Here's to hoping that the new house will be everything you want it to be. I also hope that you can just put your feet up soon, and start to relax.


crabby_lioness March 2 2011, 22:10:45 UTC
Thank you.

I also hope that you can just put your feet up soon, and start to relax.

Relaxing is sometimes an ordeal.


tiggirl20 March 5 2011, 00:01:18 UTC
I just read this from beginning to end and it is really scary... Just last week my daughter's school nurse threatened to start an investigation, because my daughter wet her pants three times that week, and insisted she see her Dr. to be tested for a UTI immediatly... I couldn't get her in to her normal Dr. before we were supposed to leave on vacation, (the trip was non-refundable as we had less than 24 hours to go before we left and it was being paid for by my sister)so I wound up taking her to the emergency room. so we waited 4 hours, exposed my daughter and myself to lord knows what kinds of diseases, and wasted a great deal of tax money, just to stroke the ego of a nurse who has already shown her inablity to perform such menial tasks as telling the differance between lipstick and a scab under close inspection. Gahhh! sorry for the rant ( ... )


crabby_lioness March 7 2011, 21:46:35 UTC
Oh my gosh, that's a terrible thing to happen to you. One big advantage we had was that we homeschooled. DHS usually tracks family through the school system. If we'd enrolled our children in a school they would have been all over us the next day (I've actually seen this with both them and INS.) Also they were handicapped because they were used to interviewing the children at the school before the parents found out anything.

We tried to talk to the FBI. We were warned that the local office was "compromised", but we never got a chance to find out firsthand since whenever we called we got an answering machine and they never returned our calls. Our attempts to talk to other offices only referred us back to the local office. Very frustrating.

One of the things we found out along the way was that we weren't the first recipient of these people's attention. There were other stories, some with far worse consequences than we endured. Turning the other cheek would entail taking our eyes off them, and that's not a good idea.


tossing out ideas, hoping one will stick to those teflon creeps... tiggirl20 March 8 2011, 00:42:43 UTC
wow, just wow, this is too frightening, and to know that they have done this before, I'm glad you are keeping your guard up... I would say sue the pants off them, but that would just put you back on their radar, and considering how well you were treated for just being in their way, I suppose this probably wouldn't be good at all. The only other thing I can suggest is asking your lawyer (your second one, as he is clearly on the up and up)if it would be worth trying to contact other victims via confidential but official methods like the US mail and try to compile a list of statements, and complaints as well as document any evidence to support the claims. if your lawer says the offences and evidence are enough, go to the media first, find an investigative reporter from one of the bigger citys who has already made a name for themselves revealing corruption of this kind, make your case to them, then ask them to accompany you cameras and all when you approach the state's attorny or the FBI to file your charges, so they can't quietly sweep ( ... )


Re: tossing out ideas, hoping one will stick to those teflon creeps... crabby_lioness March 8 2011, 04:36:46 UTC
No problem with offering suggestions, that what I hoped people would do. Thank you for yours, and for your encouragement!


meghannibrooks March 15 2011, 09:36:04 UTC
I'm so glad to hear that things are starting to get better, but I'd be surprised if this was the end of it. I hope it is though, I really do.

Our stuff's finally settling down after over 5 or so years of trouble, if you're interested to know. My youngest brother comes home soon too. :D

Anyway, best if luck as always and I'm sorry about your animals.


crabby_lioness March 15 2011, 14:50:25 UTC
I'm so glad to hear that things are starting to get better, but I'd be surprised if this was the end of it. I hope it is though, I really do.

I would be surprised if it were the end of it too.

Our stuff's finally settling down after over 5 or so years of trouble, if you're interested to know. My youngest brother comes home soon too. :D


Anyway, best if luck as always and I'm sorry about your animals.

Thank you.


neumeindil April 21 2011, 03:39:28 UTC
Everything settling in finally?

I've followed this since October and kept candles/good vibes going in your direction from time to time. From growing up where I did ("The Rust Belt" is near enough to identify it) and being related to who I am, getting out was the safest thing you could do. I'd have been sorely tempted to toss a lit match in their direction one evening and let that be the end of them. Those places go up like kindling. You're a better and stronger person than I.

Thanking the gods you and your children are safe, and hoping that's still the case.


crabby_lioness April 21 2011, 06:05:40 UTC
Thank you. We're doing pretty good. Our stuff is slowly filtering down to the new house. The neighbors send spies over when they realize we're back for another load, but the video-camera scares them off. We've found out we're not the only people they've messed with, but their arrogance exceeds their capability and the pigeons are starting to come home to roost.


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