Is There a Double Standard in Torchwood Fandom?

Apr 10, 2008 17:52

I've got a killer headache, so I apologize if this is crabbier than usual, but it seems to me that certain members of fandom are holding Gwen/Rhys to a different standard than Jack/Ianto.

I refer to the infamous "pizza" line from Something Borrowed, where Gwen asks Jack what he will do while she is on her honeymoon and he replies jokingly, "You know ( Read more... )


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Comments 373

goetterdamerung April 10 2008, 23:00:46 UTC
As far as I am concerned, to maintain any healthy relationship your partner should be on your 'to do' list as often as possible.

Ergo, Jack and Ianto are correct, while Gwen is too busy putting everything else (including Jack) before Rhys, my guess is it will end in divorce before the end of season 3


crabby_lioness April 10 2008, 23:04:50 UTC
Can we make Martha the leading lady? Pretty please with real whipped cream and a cherry on top?


goetterdamerung April 10 2008, 23:10:28 UTC
Not a bad Idea, I must admit to the selfosh desire that gwen was shot instead of Tosh in Exit Wounds. Gwen's character in Season 2 really grated on my nerves. That poor bugger Rhys deserves to be nominated for sainthood after putting up with her crap


kel_reiley April 11 2008, 00:40:29 UTC
martha with whipped cream on top?
JACK! get out of my head!
i saw that line as... well, as just a joke, really, but ok, taking it seriously, jack's in my head already, let's see...
he meant that FIRST they'd save the world, THEN they would eat pizza - Ianto, of course, would be a running theme throughout, right by Jack's side, where he belongs


fern_knight2012 April 10 2008, 23:03:26 UTC
the second one is (I think anyway) the right one. I, personally, loved that line so I can't see the problem people are having (I think this relationship is now too cannon for its own good).


crabby_lioness April 10 2008, 23:08:02 UTC
I wonder if they're the same people who think taking a condom on a date makes the sex "predatory" and not "spontaneous". I hate to sound like a fossil, but when I was growing up that was considered plain good manners!


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crabby_lioness April 12 2008, 05:22:44 UTC
Excatly. "It means he doesn't want to risk you getting pregnant or an STD, you idiot!"


demotu April 10 2008, 23:04:47 UTC
Okay, I'm not sure you meant this to be funny, but as someone who chirped "Ianto!" when Gwen asked Jack what he was going to do, and then promptly dissolved into giggles when he actually said it, your logical explanation of it all had me laughing in agreement.

Have we seen any sign that Jack considers pizza more important than saving the world?

This in particular had me snickering in delight.


crabby_lioness April 10 2008, 23:05:50 UTC
Who said logic was boring? ;)


demotu April 10 2008, 23:06:29 UTC
Not I! =D


ximeria April 10 2008, 23:09:15 UTC
Here via jackxianto

I've come across this as well and you're not the only one being surprised by it. I have to wonder if it's a UK/US thing -- because every Brit I've talked to about it, finds it absolutely funny, while the Americans I've talked to, consider it a disservice toward Ianto. Me? I'm a Dane, I snorted my coffee when I got to that scene, laughing my head off. The way I see it, it's a Jack thing and if Ianto had heard him say it, he'd probably just have rolled his eyes and come up with the perfect come-back.

I might add I stay on the fringes of the fandom, as do the people I discuss TW and DW with, so the above might just hold true to that fraction of the viewers.

To me it's not a question if Gwen should consciously put Rhys on her to-do list. It's typical Jack's raunchy humour to say something like that, it wouldn't have sounded right coming from Gwen.

But, you know, just my two cent or whatever the currency might be.


crabby_lioness April 10 2008, 23:12:44 UTC
To me it seems more of an age thing. Older people who have been in long-term relationships tended to laugh and nod their heads.

To me it's not a question if Gwen should consciously put Rhys on her to-do list. It's typical Jack's raunchy humour to say something like that, it wouldn't have sounded right coming from Gwen.

She may not say it quite so bluntly, but she sure needs to do it.


ximeria April 10 2008, 23:15:39 UTC
Yes, she does need to do it. I have to admit that I put the to-do comment in the same category as Jack's comment about alien meat in the episode of the same name. I laughed and then continued to watch it.


wishingiwaslost April 11 2008, 08:23:01 UTC
I don't think it's a UK/US thing either, but as for age...

Well, I'm 19 and I found it hilarious. I've actually been shocked at the overall reaction to Janto in series 2. People seem to think it's been cheapened by the whole Jack/Gwen thing, and that the Janto relationship is only used for comic relief jokes. these are the people who dislike the to-do list line so much.


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crabby_lioness April 11 2008, 03:07:48 UTC
Personally I think the believably flawed characters with their believably flawed relationships are the best part of TW. I would far rather see imperfect people work at their relationships than perfect people sail through life unhindered.


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