Ianto and the Stormtroopers Drabble #2

Nov 28, 2007 15:00

Title: Ianto and the Stormtroopers Drabble #2
Author: CrabbyLioness
Characters: Ianto, hapless Stormtroopers
Disclaimer: I'm not making a penny.
Rating: G, pure unadulterated crossover crack 
Based on that picture.

Thanks to the UK Garrison of the 501st  Legion of Imperial Stormtroopers for their professionalism, Gareth David-Lloyd for being a good sport, and 
laligin  for sharing the picture.  My involvement with Star Wars fandom has been limited to watching the first four movies and reading the Alan Dean Foster novel.  I don't know the conventions for writing Stormtrooper fic, so I'm relying on a smattering of military history to get me through.  I apologize in advance.

Respectfully dedicated to Redshirts and REMFs combat and support personnel everywhere.

Part 1

"Are you sure about him?" The helmet concealed the face, but there was no mistaking the doubt in the voice as it's owner stared at the scowling young man in chains the squad had just brought in.

The Lieutenant sighed. "He's the only one we could find who fit the description. Cyber-maintenance skills, high-level butling skills, courage, discretion, proven ability to handle a high-stress work environment, astronomically high loyalty levels -- if he isn't good enough I don't know where else we'll find Lord Vader a new valet."

Part 2

The Sargeant looked the captive over again.  He stood passively now, but still-forming bruises and skewed clothing gave silent testament to the fight he'd put up upon his capture, and the murderous glare on his face promised another round if given the chance.  He took a deep breath.  "Sir, he's got astronomically high loyalty levels to his unit.  That doesn't mean he'll feel the same towards Lord Vader."

The Lieutenant's "Oh," was almost inaudible over the intercom.  After a moment he asked, "Would Lord Vader think that to be his problem or our problem?"

"He might consider it our problem, sir."

"Ah.  Thank you, Sargeant.  I'll -- take that under consideration.  In the meantime, get him stowed away and we'll see what we can do."   The Lieutenant retreated to the cockpit of the shuttle as fast as his dignity would allow.

The Sargeant was far too experienced to express a negative opinion of an order while in uniform and in front of a prisoner, but that didn't stop him from wanting to shake his head in disgust.  He was responsible for "breaking in" the young officer to the realities of field work.  He still held out a slim hope that this could be done without any Imperial Servicepersons actually ending up broken.


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