Numb3rs100 Prompt #120 - Naked - But the Ladies Call Me Billy

Aug 17, 2007 10:48

Numb3rs100 Prompt #120 - Naked
Title: But the Ladies Call Me Billy
Pairing/Characters: Don/Liz, Don/Billy/Ian
Rating: Het, Slash, PWP
Summary: Introductions are made.
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own them, they belong to other people.
Author Notes: Here's the other foursome...
Series/Sequel: If Three's a Crowd, Four is What?

But the Ladies Call Me Billy

Coop rose from between Don's legs and looked at the naked exotic beauty. He stroked his cock as he replied in his sexiest southern drawl, "William Cooper. But the ladies call me Billy."

"And this is Ian." Billy said pointing to Edgerton. "Aside from incredibly beautiful, you are?"

"Liz," Don said softly. He gazed at her, unsure of her reaction knowing Don slept with men too.

Liz looked over Coop's strong hard body, a pleasing compliment to Don's. She wondered what Ian looked like beneath his black t-shirt and jeans. The erection she could see outlined had her licking her lips in anticipation.

Don watched as Liz's eyes scanned each man in a very calculated manner.

"Liz?" he questioned again as she looked like someone ready for a feast.

"Two words, Don," she said as she turned and walked back into the bedroom. "Fantasy fulfillment."

Coop followed Liz into the room, throwing over his shoulder. "You guys heard the lady. Let's get our fuck on."

Ian looked at Don, who shrugged his shoulders. "Coop can talk the ass off a mule."

"And fuck the ass off one too," Ian smirked, as he pulled his t-shirt over his head.

Don laughed.

~#~#~#~ tbc ~#~#~#~

don/liz, numb3rs100, het, don/billy/ian, slash

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