FIC: Numb3rs: L is for Lethal Don/Charlie NC17

Oct 09, 2006 06:23

Title: L is for Lethal
Author: CPWatcher
Fandom: Numb3rs
Rating: NC17/Slash/Incest/Extremely graphic PWP
Pairing: Don/Charlie
Beta: Me, so all errors are mine.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Was there really six degrees of separation between any two people?
Notes: Incest, PWP, graphic sexual descriptions. Did I mention PWP, Incest, graphic sex?
Author's Note: This is my first foray into the Numb3rs universe, so be gentle with me if I don't have the character's 'voice' quite right.
Feedback: Would be really nice. Here or
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money made, etc.
Written for numb3rsficathon,

L is for Lethal

Don took the business card from his wallet and read it over. 'The Men's Room' It was the newest local hotspot for gay men. He'd frequented it a few times, picking up a couple of guys there for a quick night of sex, no string attached. He thought about going there tonight but didn't really feel up to getting dressed. He flipped the card over in his hand. The bars hours of operation was listed as well as a website for and a blurb about the free online adult chat with local gay men.

Don had been hearing so much lately about chat rooms. Heck he'd even had that case with that 64 year old man posing as a teenager to lure young girls into his home. Putting the card down on his desk, Don determined that chat rooms were for perverts and deviants. Pushing himself out of his chair, Don went to take his shower and grab a bite to eat.

Settled down back in front of his terminal two hours later, Don checked his email. After deleting all the junk and spam, he had only two real messages. One, from Charlie, and another from the department. A quick reply to both and he logged off his email program. Turning to grab his beer, Don knocked over the business card.

Picking the card up, Don looked it over again. He liked the new bar, had met a couple of nice guys there. Maybe, if they were online, he could strike up a conversation. Being in the closet like he was, it wasn't often that Don could just openly talk and flirt with other gay men. Maybe this chat room was a way to do that.

Bringing up 'The Men's Room' website, Don read the list of do's and don't for the chat room. Remembering his investigation and Charlie's quick and dirty synopsis of chat room etiquette, Don began to create his profile. He put in his first name and an alias for his last. The worst thing that could happen was the site was raided and his real information was found on the rolls of a gay club. He also put in bogus address info, figuring if the information got into the hands of some stalker pervert, then they would be looking for him in the park.

When it came to selecting a screen name, Don paused. Again he didn't want to use anything that was possibly identifying. Nothing relating to law enforcement, his family, etc. He started typing several names, rejecting each. Finally, he opted for 'Big D'.

Signing on to the chat room, Don had been surprised to see all the messages that were streaming up his screen, as well as all the activity of people entering and leaving the chat room. As he continued to watch and read, he noticed that all the activity seemed to be solicitations for watching somebody's webcam for naked young men. Thinking back to his case, Don remembered Charlie had said most chat rooms were filled with automated robots, bots, and porn sites spammers.

Even as he was thinking chat rooms were for losers, a private message request came on his screen. Reading it, Don saw it was no more than an invitation to a porn site. Clicking the x box, he closed the window down. Not even 30 seconds later, a new box appeared, it too offering free webcam viewing. Closing that message as well, Don was ready to give up on the whole chat room experience since it didn't seem like there were any real men on the site anyway. Another message box arrived as Don was about to click signoff. The message line made him stop.

EofAllThings: Hi. What does the D stand for?

Don was tempted to close the box, but this at least seemed like a real person, not some automated robot addressing him. Don began to type.

BigD: Hi. You're not one of those bot things are you?

EofAllThings: No. Flesh and blood, living, breathing male.

A real person. Don considered this for a moment. He started up the chat session to try and find someone to chat with. Now that he had, was he actually ready to do this?

EofAllThings: That's what you were looking for, I assume. A real guy to chat with?

BigD: Maybe. Depends. How old are you?

EofAllThings: Old enough for whatever you have in mind. ;-)

BigD: That's not saying anything, and I'll be damned if I sit here and chat with a minor.

EofAllThings: Easy BigD. I'm well over the age of majority in this state and any other, I assure you. I trust you aren't some skinny underage teen with freckles and raging hormones either.

BigD: No. Those days are so far past it isn't even funny.

EofAllThings: So now that you're satisfied, I hope, with my age statement. Let's go back to the original question. What does the 'D' stand for? I think I know already but wanted to see if my assumption was correct.

BigD: And just what did you assume the D stood for?

EofAllThings: I'm thinking, you're bragging about the size of your dick.

Don smirks. He hadn't meant it like that. He was just shortening up Don to BigD. But on a gay website or any adult website for that matter, certainly BigD would seem an obvious handle to introduce yourself and your intentions with.

BigD: And if that was the case, you got anything you want to say about it?

Don watched his message line and saw that EofAllThings was doing a lot of typing. A lot of typing. It's about a minute later that he had a long string of text roll up his screen. As Don slowly read the message he registered that EofAllThings continued to type. Three more messages came across. As Don read it all, and took in what the messages said, he not only felt his cock stiffen but absently rubbed himself, moaning just a bit at the contact. The messages had been totally hot and erotic as hell. Don's response was quick and straight off the top of his head.

BigD: Do you kiss your mother with that same mouth?

There was no response for over a full minute. Don was just about to ask was EofAllThings still there when he saw typing. This time the message was short, quick and to the point.

EofAllThings has left the chat room.

Don was stunned. "What the fuck!"

BigD: Who the fuck you calling bastard, asshole.
EofAllThings has left the session. Your message will most likely NOT be received.

"Damn it." Don breathed harshly. What the fuck just happened. Not ten minutes ago he's chatting with a fucking stranger in a gay chat room. Five minutes ago, this same guy is writing a dissertation on the ways he wants to suck Don's cock. Then one minute ago, the gay guy who wants to suck Don's brains out through Don's dick is instead telling him to fuck off, and implying that Don's mother never knew who Don's father was which Don knew was bullshit. There was no way Don was a bastard. His mom, rest her soul, and dad were far to present in his life. Now, he could be a prick though, that was sure, but not a bastard.

As the investigator clicked in, Don began to go back over the last ten minutes. EofAllThings seemed genuinely eager to chat, seemed pretty normal, not like some kind of pervert. But then again, who do you meet that 5 minutes later is writing down in very graphic and extremely explicit words the way he wants to suck your cock. Rereading the passage, the words had been hot and Don's dick had responded to them appropriately by filling to a nice hardness as the blood rushed south. Even now, Don's erection was straining his pants. So what made EofAllThings tell him to fuck off? Hell, Don liked dirty talk just as much as the next guy. He was all set to tell EofAllThings just that, in fact he had just replied, when he got cursed out.

Don looked back at his reply to EofAllThings and groaned. There he goes again, inserting his foot in his mouth. Apparently Don offended EofAllThings with his comment. Don been told on more than one occasion that his words often had lethal consequences. He had to learn to listen before he spoke, as he trained to be an investigator. He learned to keep his mouth shut in the heat of a case. But where his dick was concerned, apparently Don hadn't put his work skills to good use.

Don stayed online for over an hour, hoping EofAllThings would log back into the chat room. Don wanted to apologize, but to no avail. All Don saw were robots and offers of porn.


Over the next week, every night after work, Don logged onto the chat room looking for EofAllThings. It was after a particularly nasty case wrapped up that Don logged on and found EofAllThings in the chat room. Don tried to do a private chat, but his message refused. He tried twice more and each session refused. Finally Don decided to chat through the general session, hoping EofAllThings would at least accept his apology.

BigD: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I apologize for my comment. Its just... its just... your comments had been so intense... so... I wasn't trying to be an asshole... I was just...just...I'm sorry. OK?

The private window came up and Don sighed with relief.

EofAllThings: I'm sorry as well. I... perhaps I read too much into your statement.

BigD: I have been told my words are sometimes lethal, but I did not intend to hurt you. I think you misunderstood. Your comments had been so arousing, so damn arousing. And sexy and dirty and, shit, they made me hard. And I meant you had such a graphic use of language and I wasn't implying that you used that language in front of your mother or anything, just that I was so surprised that you said what you did. And why did you say it anyway?

EofAllThings: Honestly? It's what the other men I've chatted with wanted. They only wanted to have a chat if I could talk dirty to them. I assumed you wanted it that way as well.

BigD: Well if we're going to be honest, I'll admit, I did enjoy the conversation. But sex wasn't the only reason I joined this chat room. I had been hoping to find someone that I could really talk to, someone I could be myself with, you know.

EofAllThings: Only too well. Maybe it's because I can't read people all that well in person. And my job and family are not exactly understanding of this lifestyle. But when I chat like this I find it's easier to express myself. I can say exactly what I want, what I feel, what I desire.

BigD: So, what you wrote. Is that something you desire? Do you like sucking cock?

EofAllThings: Yeah, I like sucking a big cock. I love running my tongue all along the length of it. I love sucking on the head of a drooling dick.

BigD: Damn! I'd like to chat with you about that, about all the things you like to do. But I'd also like to chat about other things if you're interested.

EofAllThings: Yeah, I'm interested. So, back to my original question. What does the 'D" stand for?

Don contemplates his answer for only a moment. If EofAllThings was willing to talk dirty to him, then Don was more than willing to listen.

BigD: You were right. I have a very big dick and that's what the 'D' is for.

EofAllThings: How big is big?

BigD: 8½ inches long and 2½ inches around, when hard.

EofAllThings: Really? That's very impressive. I'd love to wrap my lips around a big piece of meat like that.

BigD: Yeah. Tell me what you'd do if you were here right now.

EofAllThings: I'd kneel at your feet, between your legs. I'd unzip you, reach in, and pull out your cock. I'd smell your crotch because I love the way a man's sex and musk smells. Then I'd lick the head of your cock as I pump it gently, pushing out a bead of fluid from the tip. Then I'd take you deep into my mouth, all the way to the back of my throat. I'd grab your hands, place them into the long dark curls of my hair, and let you hold my head steady as you fucked my throat until you came in my mouth. I'd swallow every bit of your hot cum like a good little fucking slut.

BigD: Fucking shit. You have me rock hard right now. Fuck, I'd like nothing better than to fuck your slut mouth right now.

EofAllThings: If you like my mouth, you'd love my ass. Because the only thing I like better than a cock in my mouth is a fat cock pounding my ass.

BigD: I bet you have a tight ass too, don't you?

EofAllThings: Oh yeah. Nice and tight, just waiting for your meat. I am a certified ass open bottom boy. And I'm looking for someone to give me what I need.

BigD: What do you need? What do you want?

EofAllThings: I want a man. A man's man. I want someone who's about 35 to 40 years old. I want someone who is strong, forceful, and aggressive. I love older men with authority. I want to know that I've been fucked, by the way he makes my ass hurt so good. I want someone who not only tells me what to do, but rewards me when I do it right.

BigD: And what if you do it wrong?

EofAllThings: Then he punishes me for that as well.

BigD: And exactly what kind of punishments do you have in mind.

EofAllThings: I personally prefer a good old-fashioned bare bottom, over the knee, hand to ass spanking.

BigD: Really?

EofAllThings: Yeah. When I was young, my older brother would sometimes have to discipline me. And I know it's kinky and so full of taboo, but I'd get the biggest hard-on when he had me over his lap, his hand slapping my ass repeatedly. The moment he was done I'd run to my room and just stroke my cock until I came.

BigD: Shit, you keep talking like that you're gonna make me cum right now.

EofAllThings: Can I tell you a secret?

BigD: Yeah.

EofAllThings: I am so fucking hot right now from chatting with you. My cock is so hard.

BigD: Are you stroking it?

EofAllThings: Yeah.

BigD: Tell me what it looks like. Tell me what you're doing.

EofAllThings: I'm sitting here with my pants down past my knees. My cock is hard and hot to the touch. The tip is dark red and oozing liquid. It tastes slick and a little bitter. I'm not as big as you are around, but my cock is long, slender. I'm stroking myself with one hand as I type with my other.

BigD: What if I told you that I'm the kind of man you're looking for. That I'm a forty-three year old man who lives and breathes authority. What if I told you that I'd like nothing better to do than spank your ass and then fuck you through the floor.

EofAllThings: Are you? Are you that kind of a man? Would you fuck me hard, deep? Would you fuck me like you owned me? Would you make me your bitch?

BigD: Fuck yeah. You'd be my bitch all right. You'd open that tight ass of yours for me on my command. You'd spread your legs just from a look, wouldn't you?

EofAllThings: Yes. Yes. I'd spread them for you. I'd be your bitch. And you'd be my master, right? You'd own me, right.

BigD: I'd own your ass. And I'd ride your ass hard. I'd fuck you every chance I'd get. I'd shove a plug up your ass just so you'd stay open enough to take my cock at any time.

EofAllThings: Oh! Fuck yeah. I'd keep my hole open and waiting for you Master. Open for your cock. Love your cock in me, fucking me, fucking me hard. Fuck!

BigD: And I'll spank your ass too slut. Spank you till your cheeks are red and hot to the touch. Then I'd make you mount me, make you fuck yourself on my dick while I lie back and watch you take my cock up your ass.

EofAllThings: Oh shit, yes. Yes. Oh fuck, yes.

BigD: You coming for me slut? You coming for me right now? Come now, bitch. Come right fucking now.

For several moments there were no messages.

EofAllThings: Oh shit. Oh shit. I've never done that before.

BigD: What? I thought you said you had sex chats before with the other men.

EofAllThings: I have. I did. But I've never come myself. The men have cum, but this is the first time I ever did.

BigD: Well it's a first for me as well. But I guarantee it won't be the last time with you.

EofAllThings: You mean it.

BigD: Hell yeah. I intend to chat with you next Friday at 11pm.

EofAllThings: OK. Yeah, sure. Next week, Friday, 11:00 pm. OK it's a date. Got to go now.

BigD: Night.


Don pulled up to the house and parked. As he walked inside he could smell the lasagna all the way to the front door. He entered the kitchen and sneaked a breadstick.

"Those are for dinner. You're just in time. Go call your brother so we can eat," Alan said from the doorway.

"Hey, Dad. Charlie in the garage?" Don asked.

"No, up in his room on his computer. He's been obsessed with it lately."

Don laughed to himself. His father had no idea what obsessed meant unless he knew how much Don had been on the computer. Chatting with EofAllThings had been a blast these last two months. They made regular dates to chat and he'd only had to miss a couple due to work, but it didn't seem to phase EofAllThings because he'd be right there signed on looking for Don, even on those late nights. And their conversations had been fucking fantastic. Hell, Don hadn't even gone on a single date from the time he began chatting with EofAllThings. Just his right hand, his keyboard, and EofAllThings words was all Don needed. EofAllThings was everything Don wanted in a sex partner. Open for new ideas, and just about every kind of kink Don threw out. Hell, Don couldn't even stand to touch his handcuffs without getting a boner, as EofAllThings told him how much he'd wanted to be handcuffed to the bed and ravished. Fuck, Don had wanted to meet up with EofAllThings that very night and fuck the shit out of him, live and in living color. Don had been tempted to ask EofAllThings for a meet, but refrained. He would hate that his mental image of EofAllThings be ruined by the possible reality that EofAllThings was some beer-swilling fat-ass instead of the hot thirty-something year old beauty in Don's mind. Don decided it was better to keep the fantasy and hot sex chat sessions.

Don made his way up to Charlie's bedroom.

"Hey Charlie, you in here?" Don asked as he knocked softly on the door to the master bedroom. Don really liked how Charlie had redecorated the room. It was no longer their parent's sleeping room, but a nicely designed bachelor's bedroom.

Charlie was nowhere to be seen, but Don heard the shower running and determined Charlie was cleaning up. Poking his head inside the bathroom Don spoke to his younger brother.

"Hey Charlie, get a move on. Dad's ready to eat."

"Hey Don. I'll be out in a minute."

Don turned to walk back out the bedroom when he noticed Charlie's PC. Remembering he needed to check for a message from work, Don crossed over to Charlie's workstation and sat down. Launching Charlie's browser, Don logged into email to check his messages.

Recalling what Alan had said about Charlie's obsessions of late, Don decided to poke around and see what the little math genius had been up too. Clicking on the history icon, Don was surprised to find that the sight Charlie visited the most in the last couple of months had been 'The Men's Room'.

A strange feeling washed over Don, a mix of anticipation and unease as math symbols flashed in his mind. Looking deeper into the computer, Don found Charlie's chat program. He opened the log file and stared numbly at the screen.

"EofAllThings. No. Not E, sum. SumofAllThings. Sum of all things. Why didn't I see this? Why didn't I know this?" Don murmured to himself.

Don did not hear the bathroom door open. Charlie, with a towel slung low around his hips and another towel drying his hair, walked into the room, unaware of Don's presence.

When Charlie stopped rubbing his hair he looked over and saw Don sitting at his PC. Always happy to see his brother, Charlie smiled brightly. "Hey Don."

"SumofAllThings." Don spoke softly.

Charlie's first reaction was to blanch, stumbling a moment as he realized Don found out about his secret, that Charlie was gay. His next thought was anger. Who the fuck was Don to come snooping around his bedroom and in his private files. His third thought was curiosity as Charlie watched as Don's eyes slowly traveled up and down the length of his body, twice. There was a sudden flare of lust in Don's eyes that made Charlie's nipples pebble. And Charlie watched Don physically shake his head to clear the obvious sexual thoughts that had been broadcast on Don's face via the leer he gave his younger brother.

Charlie sputtered as Don repeated himself.

"You are SumofAllThings."

It wasn't a question. It was a statement of fact.

Realization hit Charlie like a ton of bricks, making his knees go weak. Fortunately the bed was behind him and Charlie sat with an ungraceful sprawl, his legs spread apart and his towel revealing his upper thigh.

"You're BigD? Big Don? No. No. It can't be. It's not possible. The odds of that, of two people who already know each other, of them meeting in a chat room like that... The probability that they could be related in some way... The chance that they could be siblings... combined with the possibility that both siblings were the same sex, and the odds of those siblings having a gay sexual affair online? The number would be astronomical."

Charlie stopped talking as he noticed Don's focus was not on what he was saying but on the opening of his towel, which exposed more of his lower half as Charlie talked so animatedly. Charlie had a sudden desire to spread his legs fully apart at the unspoken command from Don's eyes. A jolt of arousal shot through Charlie and he got hard. Embarrassment almost made him cover his erection with his hands until he noticed Don's crotch, where his older brother was sporting an equally hard cock.

"Donny?" Charlie asked quietly, forcing himself to sit still.

Don eyes raked over Charlie's body and he watched Charlie's body react as if it had been a physical caress. He saw Charlie's nipples harden and the desire to have them between his teeth almost overwhelmed Don. So much so he had to shake it off. Granted this was not the first time he'd looked at his younger brother's body. He'd seen Charlie in various states of undress before. He'd admired how well Charlie had filled out from that gangly teen so many years ago. Charlie had a great body, and Don had realized it when he had the occasional view of it. But this was the very first time Don had looked at Charlie's body with intent, pure sexual intent.

And to see Charlie react to Don's observation with obvious arousal was not lost on Don, even as he heard Charlie mumble something abut statistics, probability, and randomness. Don watched Charlie's towel ride up and open as he talked. Don stared, willing the towel to show him the parts of Charlie's body Don knew he had no right to want to see, but needing to see them nonetheless. When Charlie caught Don's gaze and realized where Don was looking so intently Charlie's penis tented the towel up. Don barely suppressed a groan as he felt his own cock fill painfully more. Visions of their chats, - of SumofAllThings laying naked and open, ready for his cock, of soft lips wrapped around Don's dick, of Don's hands holding dark curls as he fucked a willing mouth. This time Don did moan, then he heard Charlie speak his name softly.

"Donny?" Charlie repeated.

The look Don gave Charlie held none of the brotherly fondness it usually had. This look had been incendiary, and Charlie felt the flush rise on his body as though he were on fire.

Don watched as Charlie's whole body surged with heat and arousal. The need to touch, to release his cock and push it between Charlie's partially opened lips was overwhelming. Don's hand moved of its own volition towards his crotch. Stopping the downward movement, Don flexed his hand, spreading the fingers wide apart. The gasp he heard from Charlie took Don by surprise. He followed Charlie's eyes back to his flexing palm and knew instantly what thoughts had passed his baby brother's mind. The word was on the tip of Don's tongue. He'd simply have to murmur Charlie's name and he knew the young man would shed his towel and lie naked across Don's lap, ass out, legs spread, asscheeks waiting to be slapped repeatedly by the palm of Don's hand.

It was the sound of their father's voice from the landing downstairs, and the heavy footfalls on the stairs, that shook the two men from their trancelike state.

Don grabbed his dick and squeezed it tightly, hard enough to be very painful. The result was the subsiding of his arousal. Don watched as Charlie dropped his towel. Don's eyes drank in the sight of Charlie's cock as the younger man slid into a pair of jeans, his face flushing under his older brother's intense scrutiny.

"Don, Charlie. The food's getting cold." Alan walked into the bedroom. He saw Don typing at the computer as Charlie dried his hair with a towel. "You guys coming or what?"

Don smirked. "Not yet," he whispered and saw Charlie's head jerk. "Hey dad, sorry, but I can't stay."

Charlie cut Don a sharp look which Don caught out the corner of his eye. Continuing to speak to their father, Don hoped Charlie could read between the lines. "I was just checking the computer and realized I had a very important meeting for about..." Don looked at his watch then through his lashes at Charlie. "... an hour from now." Charlie's barely hid smile let Don know his message was delivered and accepted.

"You know Donny, you and Charlie have got to understand that life doesn't revolve around your jobs. You've got to get out there, meet people, experience new things. You've got to live."

Don patted is father's shoulder as he walked towards the door. Looking beyond his father to his brother, Don smiled and got an answering one from Charlie. Both brothers knew that the consequences of their actions, now that they knew exactly who they were chatting with, was not only lethal, but could be fatal to the family if their father found out. But Charlie's words to their father, and to him, stamped down any thought that Don had about them making a mistake and continuing to chat.

"You're right, Dad. And while the possibility of find the perfect mate is astronomical, there is the tiniest probability that you may actually find exactly what you're looking for."

"That's right Charlie. Look at me and your Mom."

"And you'd agree Dad that if the right person came along, the one love you'd been looking for all your life, you agree that it's worth pursuing, no matter what the cost?"

"Of course, Charlie, life has enough problems. If you can have a chance at happiness, you should take it. Wouldn't you agree, Donny?" Alan looked to his older son for agreement. If Charlie was finally interested in someone, Alan wanted Charlie to know he had his family's support.

"Yeah Dad, I agree. We have to give it a try. See where it goes. As long as everyone knows it's done with love." He smiles warmly at Charlie. "It's gonna be alright."

Don left, headed home to go online, certain that EofAllThings -- SumofAllThings -- that Charlie would be there waiting for him.

#### end ####

don eppes, charlie eppes, don/charlie, numb3rs ficathon, eppescest, numb3rs

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