
The Great LJ Reboot of 2013.

Jan 16, 2013 10:45

Okay, gang. I find myself with both unfettered access to LJ (which has not always been the case) and enough time to enjoy that access. So I'd like to get a little more active here, in terms of posts and commenting and, you know, actually getting to know you fine people a bit more. Some of you I've really connected with over the years, and some that I've added in the past year or so are still relative strangers to me. So I'm hoping to make more of a point of commenting when I have something to say, and I hope you'll feel free to do the same. I suppose it would help if I posted more often and more interesting things myself, eh? Well, no promises on the content, but I will try to at least up the frequency. :) And you know, if at any time you feel we just aren't connecting, I certainly have no hard feelings if you ditch me and leave me to fend for myself in this cold, cruel, dark world. No hard feelings at all. I'll understand. sniff.

Anyway, I thought it might be a good idea to do a bit of an introductory post, for those of you who might see me pop up on your flist and wonder who I am. That too is understandable. And even as a refresher for those of you who have been around for a while (and thanks for that!).

So I'm cp here on LJ, and as you might guess, to have such a short user name I've been on LJ for many a moon. Since 2000, as a matter of fact, which is impressive to me because how many websites can you really say you've been a part of for over a decade? For me it's LJ and eBay, and maybe Hotmail (though I almost never use that address anymore). Most of my entries are wide open, so theoretically you could take the time to read and recap my past 13 years of life here! But that would be boring, so don't do that.

In real life I'm Kelly, and I'm a 38-year-old guy. Born and raised in central Florida, though I've also lived briefly in middle Tennessee and central Texas. I guess I am drawn to the middle bits of states? Tennessee in 2001 is where and when I met my lovely wife Heather (who is originally from Virginia Beach, so we take a trip to visit her folks there most every year). We eloped with a Texas Justice of the Peace (I just think that's cool) in 2002. Our firstborn is Hermione, born in 2004, so she just turned 9. Then came Halcyon (who we call Hallie) in 2007 and Amaryllis (Amy for short) in 2011. We also have a dog, 4 cats, a bunch of fish, a guinea pig, and a lovely (if I do say so myself) butterfly garden full of wee beasties.

So that's the cast of characters here. I work as a manager for the local cable company (every bit as exciting as it sounds, believe me), though my role these days is actually in support of the parts of my company outside of Florida, so I've started taking occasional trips to those cities. Which is great for me because I do enjoy traveling, as long as I get some time for sightseeing and photo-taking!

My main hobbies are photography (which is actually a bit more than a hobby, it's also a part-time generator of additional income) and music (I play guitar and used to consider myself a songwriter, but it's been a long time since I actually wrote a whole song!). I very much enjoy the outdoors, so hiking and birding and gardening are frequent indulgences as well. I dig movies and creative arts in general, and I read a good deal (a mix of fiction and non-fiction, though lately mostly fiction). Politically I'm a tree-hugging hippie liberal progressive pacifist, even though I've always had a fascination for all things military (and even envisioned myself joining the military when I was younger). I love history, especially the quirky coincidences and accidents and stuff. I was raised non-practicing Christian, essentially, but now consider myself strongly agnostic. I tend to like to believe in some cosmic force greater than all of us puny humans and running under and through everything, but I certainly don't think it's in the form of an old guy in the sky watching us all masturbate. :)

Speaking of photography, I created (and presently neglect) a community here on LJ dedicated to sharing not just photos, but how they were created from a technical and artistic perspective. The idea is to share knowledge and tips to improve our photographic skills. It's not a busy place yet, but feel free to check it out and join if you like: shutterbuggery

Um.. I think that's enough to get the general idea. Have some pics! Each one links back to my Flickr stream, to which I add quite often--feel free to add me there too, if you're a Flickrite!

Heather and I, on our trip to Texas last fall. I am the designated photographer of the family, so photos of me are pretty rare. I do not have a problem with this, since all my girls are far easier on the eyes than am I. :)

I used to sport the moustache/goatee--it made my face look a bit more full and older, but now I am fuller and older on my own. But I dunno, I get tempted to grow it back. What do you think?




And the rare photo of all 3 girls, looking at the camera and smiling!

Any questions? :)

photos, introductions, about me

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