Tagging Guide

May 03, 2012 20:37

How Tagging Works
Tagging entries on LJ is like setting custom filters and it's very useful. Readers rely heavily on them and they make older entries easier to navigate, both for searchers and mods -- that's why they're so important. Say you were searching the comm for all the Supernatural cowriters. Instead of digging through all the comm's pages, all you should need to do is go to the tags page and click fandom: spn and there they all are! However, if a poster forgets to tag their entry with the necessary tags, it isn't going to show up, and will be passed by -- which would suck for both the poster and the searcher, right?

Tagging Your Entries
This section will be quick and painless. Your entry's tags should look something like this:
audience: __________, cowriter: __________, fandom: __________, genre: __________, type: __________

CWC Tags: A Breakdown
We have five main tags, each with their own subtags. Those tags are:

Audience: AKA who you gear your writing toward. This can also indicate the "rating" of your writing, especially if you're looking for a cowriter for a specific project.
Cowriter: These tags are to specify whether you are posting a want ad, your services, or a beware.
Fandom: This is our only optional tag. If you're posting for original fiction, don't worry about it, but if you're posting for fanfiction, please use this tag. If we don't have your fandom let us know and it will be added!
Genre: This tag is to tell people what sort of feel your fic has. Is it scary? Set in the 1800s? Futuristic? Inquiring minds want to know!
Type: This specifies whether you're writing fiction, fanfiction, or nonfiction.

Your post may use more than one of each tag if they are applicable.

The "Three Strikes" Rule
We've all heard it. "Three strikes and you're out!" Well, we follow that same code in regards to tagging. Here's how it works:
If you fail to tag three posts, you will be banned from posting for one month. Once the ban period ends, if you again fail to tag a post, you will be banned permanently.

What doesn't count against you:
If you've made a concerted effort to tag your post and forgot one, or we didn't have the right one available, it will not count against you. This rule ONLY applies to posts with no tags at all. If you just missed one or two we'll remind you. If we didn't have it, we'll add it for you. If you forget to add your tags but immediately go back to fix them (5 minutes or less after posting) we will not count it against you; it can slip anyone's mind at one point or another.

fandom: house, fandom: hunger games, fandom: glee, genre: horror, type: original fiction, audience: adult, audience: teen, fandom: dc, fandom: twilight, type: nonfiction, type: fanfiction, audience: lgbt, fandom: dr. who, genre: fantasy, genre: how to, fandom: death note, fandom: disney, genre: scifi, fandom: marvel, genre: crime, genre: alternate universe, !info, fandom: game of thrones, fandom: harry potter, fandom: naruto, genre: adventure, fandom: spn, audience: children, genre: humor, genre: crossover, cowriter: search, genre: apocalyptic, fandom: bandom, genre: historical, fandom: sherlock, genre: action, fandom: avatar, genre: mystery, fandom: fullmetal alchemist, genre: erotica, genre: romance, cowriter: beware, fandom: american horror story, fandom: bleach, genre: satire/parody, fandom: whedonverse, cowriter: available

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