Sixth Night [Action, Voice]

Jun 02, 2010 13:14

 [It's been a long couple of weeks.  Between falling trees, killer butterflies, a rash of disappearances with most who returned telling the same story, there was enough to keep the Dark Knight busy behind the scenes.  But it gets better.  Green Lantern, Terra, Hellboy, and Adell had brought in Kefka of all people as a prisoner into the tunnels.   ( Read more... )

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Comments 52

[Voice/Filtered] esper_flight June 2 2010, 17:22:39 UTC
Alright. Where and when?


[Voice/Filtered] cowledcrusader June 2 2010, 17:24:49 UTC
As soon as possible. Behind the barracks. I'll be over there shortly.


[Voice (Filtered)/Action] esper_flight June 2 2010, 19:38:00 UTC
I'll see you then.

[And she makes her way over, glancing around for him.]


[Action] cowledcrusader June 3 2010, 00:12:51 UTC
[And he drops down from the roof, far enough away from her as not to spook her too much. Hopefully, she should be used to this by now.]

...I heard you fought very hard to apprehend Kefka.


orchidsandfire June 2 2010, 18:57:40 UTC
[Guess who just barges into his room and sits on a random chair? Batman's probably deduced by now that that level of familiarity just wasn't there at the point when she was exiled from Themyscira.]

What are you up to now?


cowledcrusader June 3 2010, 00:45:18 UTC
[Batman raises an eyebrow at this, but doesn't immediately protest. That level of familiarity was slowly making itself more obvious over time. So he'll just roll with it and then look back into his microscope. He's studying that Tease corpse.]

Still analyzing one of those butterflies you brought back.


orchidsandfire June 3 2010, 00:53:00 UTC
Still? [She stands up and peers over his shoulder. It just looks like a torn-apart butterfly to her.] Have you found out anything useful?


cowledcrusader June 3 2010, 00:59:23 UTC
...It was never alive to begin with. Its wings and exoskeleton aren't like anything I've ever seen before. Can't be sure of its composition. This equipment doesn't have sufficient magnification for me to know for sure.

[He switches off the light on the microscope and frowns slightly.]

These were definitely created by someone. I'm not ready to rule magic out.

[The word "magic" carries a tone of disgust with it, in a way. Zatanna's magic was one thing, but true sorcery to create abominations like this? Really left a sense of frustration. Damn near everything here was magical somehow.]


Action wings_thatwait June 2 2010, 19:39:37 UTC
[Winry wanders to the prisons with her nose in a book. It's something akin to "How to Make Locks for Dummies," and then underneath her other arm she has more advanced texts on the subject. Although when she comes upon the sign she frowns. Does she really need an escort to keep working? Seriously?]


[Action] cowledcrusader June 3 2010, 00:47:19 UTC
[And guess who's happening by on his way back to guard duty in the prison? He can see that look, Winry.]

There's a reason for it. Trust me.


[Action] crytearsofjoy June 3 2010, 21:29:58 UTC
[Her frown fading, she looks up at Batman.] Does that mean I need to ask to come down here when ever I need to see what I'm making these for? I might need to check a few times during the creation of the prototype.


[Action] cowledcrusader June 3 2010, 22:26:35 UTC
It's a security precaution. ...We have someone very dangerous in the cells right now.

[And therefore, we don't want people at risk. Either of harm by him, or for breaking him out. Hopefully Winry will pick up on that.]

Come with me. I'll show you the way.


[ action ] sniperkingftw June 2 2010, 23:01:32 UTC
[ Usopp happens to have recently acquired management of the items shop in a hostile takeover, Batman, which means he'll be doing his thing when that store raid is happening. Which mostly consists of looking at really interesting stuff as it arrives and sorting it away somewhere. ...if he doesn't take it home to look at later >>

There are also labels on the majority of things he and Brook could actually recognize. Very easy to ignore. ]


[Action] cowledcrusader June 3 2010, 00:53:35 UTC
[He's merely going to glance at Usopp doing his thing, but then he's just continues looking around the store for things he wants. He'll be quickly scanning through the science gear. He won't bother him, but he's free to notice this looming, scary costumed guy looking at his sorted stuff. But he doesn't seem to be disturbing much.]


[Action] sniperkingftw June 3 2010, 01:41:57 UTC
[ Oh jesus that guy is scary. Not that there aren't a million and a half scary guys around here, but this one is like right here.

And. The ear-things. What. ... okay fine, he'll approach but only because the store hasn't been burned down yet. ]

Ah- do you need help finding something? [ If he ever said 'sir,' it would so be in there. ]


[Action] cowledcrusader June 3 2010, 04:14:44 UTC

[Blunt and to the point. He's not really sounding aggressive, but rather firm instead. Though he does sense Usopp's fear. Which he sort of disregards. He's not really out to freak him out, and he's not doing anything especially scary as far as he's concerned. But it's here he picks up some piece of lab equipment and studies it.]


[Action] oracleofdeath June 3 2010, 14:51:34 UTC
[This is going to be taking place maybe a few hours after Erim got attacked by River, just tagging her for our own ease.

But since Erim couldn't find someone better able to handle a certain unstable female who had attacked at least two people, there's only one option left, taking her to the tunnels and getting her into one of those cells. Of course the death goddess doesn't exactly know the process for dealing with that and really hates the tunnels.

So there is a woman carrying an unconscious woman down into the tunnels and trying to figure out who to release this girl who might be potentially dangerous too.

Of course, Batman may also have an interest in the woman bringing her down, since she was the one who left the note to Green Lantern about Kefka some time ago.]


[Action] cowledcrusader June 3 2010, 19:53:57 UTC
[...Someone had entered his domain. This sight was curious, but it was clear she was heading toward the prison wing. In a rather large hurry. Either way, Batman will intercept her before arriving at the traps, skulking in the shadows like a creeper until she walks by. He figures the unconscious woman in her arms is the key to everything, but he's going to ask a question to Erim from the shadows, not revealing his location just yet.]

...Do you have business down here?


[Action] oracleofdeath June 3 2010, 20:06:20 UTC
Are you in charge of the jail then? This woman attacked at least two people and appears to be mentally disturbed.

[A voice from the shadows bothering her? Nah, she may not have all her powers, but she can tell the direction the voice is coming from at least and is looking in that direction.]


[Action] cowledcrusader June 3 2010, 20:19:02 UTC
[Oh, look. Someone who isn't so easily spooked. Good. No point in drawing this out. He'll step some out of the darkness so he can be properly seen.]

Do you have any knowledge of her mental condition?

[Beyond being disturbed. ...He has a feeling he knows the answer, but he has to ask. Any information helps.]


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