Posting this here for archival purposes because V wanted it...
Title: This Sweet Madness
Genre(s): Angst/Dark, friendship, action/adventure
Length: 1153w
Summary: Besot by demons of the past, the reincarnated Shitennou find themselves torn between the memories of what was, and their new realities. They gravitate toward one another in an effort to
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Comments 8
And then you cliffhanger me. Thanks, man, I thought we were friends ;__;
and I love the kitties for their tactless. XD They're both so "THIS IS SRS BIZNESS"... well, more Luna than Arty, but still. It's fun to write.
Did they figure it out from what Jun was shouting at Bachiko? What do they mean about him not waking up? Did something else happen? Agh, I have to know!
Still brilliant! Please give us more!
Keanu is up next, then Nick and probably Mina before we get around to what happened to Jun ;D
But I think you're right about Mamoru working some stuff out before the others--but he also is very confused about something.
Agh, I have to wait so long for Jun, but I'm excited for the other guys!
Could he possibly be confused about Zoe's gender? XD
Nothing constructive here! Just whining at you to give me MOAR in the hopes that it might happen!
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