Title: This Sweet Madness: Viva La Vida
Genre(s): Angst/Dark, friendship, action/adventure
Length: 1300 w
Summary: When a set of old faces reappear in their lives, the Senshi and Tuxedo Mask struggle to decide whether these persons are friend or foe as they begin to realize that what they believe of the past may not be true at all.
Warnings: dark themes are touched upon, including mental disorder, emotional, physical and sexual abuse, death and murder.
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon and make no profit from this work of fictional fun.
A/N: Originally called “intermissions,” these chapters cover a portion of the senshi’s story during the events of This Sweet Madness; they are not stand alone. I removed them from the other body of work as they didn’t seem to fit mood of the rest of the piece, but decided to put them in as an in-between, or intermission, before the sequel, This Glorious Sadness.
Status: Complete
Ami Minako Makoto Rei Mamoru
August 2009. Tokyo, Japan
They were matched blow for blow, swipe for swipe, panting breath for panting breath. How many times had they done this in jest? How many boasts had they made of the enemies that they would kill, together?
“Don’t make me do this,” Kunzite growled as their blades locked once more.
Hatred roared in his veins, almost drowning out his own shout: “I make you do nothing!”
The broke apart and met again. Behind him, the queen worked her magic. Selene would make this all right, Endymion knew it. Her touch would heal their minds and free them from the clutches of that demon. If only he could hold his cousin at bay...
A flash of metal as he stumbled. A searing pain through his side.
Mamoru sat up with a gasp. The panic within him died gradually, and Mamoru pressed his hand to his wildly beating heart. Reminding himself to breathe, he swung his legs over the side of the couch and put his face in both hands. It had been almost two weeks since he’d gotten a good night’s sleep, since Zoe and Jun had gone missing, and being regulated to the couch didn’t help matters.
“My prince.” Yelping, Mamoru jumped and looked up to find Helios standing on the other side of the coffee table. The priest winced, then bowed. “Forgive me I seem to be getting that reaction quite a bit these days.”
“You could warn a man,” Mamoru said and groaned. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “What’s the matter, Helios?”
“I’ve come to deliver a message.”
Looking up, Mamoru frowned and realized for the first time just how serious Helios seemed--how sorrowful. “A message?”
“From the generals.”
“Zoe, Jun--you know where they are?” Elation spread through him like a wildfire and he got to his feet. “Let me get my shoes, we need to get them back home at once.”
Helios raised his hands to ward him off. “Forgive me, but you don’t understand.”
“Understand what?” Mamoru grabbed his coat from the rack.
“They have reclaimed their powers, and their memories. It is their intention to follow through with your father’s last command.” At that, Mamoru stopped, turned, and stared at Helios. The priest did not look away, but he backed a step from Mamoru.
“My father’s...”
“Endymion, Prince of the Earth and to the Golden Kingdom...” Helios raised his hand, fingers outstretched. A light shown at Endymion’s chest, and then sped toward the priest. His knees went weak, and his chest burned. Mamoru fell to the floor, staring up at the man who had been his priest. Upstairs, a door slammed open. “In the name of the King Aethlius--the last true king--I remove your claim to the throne and your ties to Elysion.”
Usagi gasped from the stairway. She blundered down them and fell to her knees beside her husband. “For your crimes against King and country you have been found traitor, and are hereby sentenced to death.”
Helios looked away, eyes closed. “Forgive me,” he whispered, and vanished.
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Originally posted at
The Mouse Hole.