Title: Unfair - Sequel Pairing: One sided Junno/Nakamaru Genre: angst (an insane amount - I don’t know how I put this much angst into one fic), hurt/comfort, Note: Part one is here
Note 2: This story includes the departure of Koki.
Poor Nakamaru :( he just gets himself in deeper when he tries not too.
Thanks for sharing. Even though you're breaking my TaguMaru heart - not that that's bad thing when it's written as well as this, but I want them to be happy. So now you have to write a third part, slap Junno upside the head and make him realise how great Nakamaru is :D pretty please :D
Uwaa, thank you very much~! >__< Thank you. It was almost hard to write OTL
But yes, part 3 is a definite probability ^^ I just don't know when. But I can promise that will happen~ Thank you for reading and leaving a comment :D
I remember I read the first part of this one so I thought I should try reading the sequel so here I am. The first one was sad but this one is double the pain :(
"Nakamaru couldn’t help the tears that escaped when the name that fell off of Junno’s lips when he came wasn’t his - it was Koki’s." - I can't with the ending. Why must Nakamaru be in this situation? My OTP can't be filled with such sadness.
I have to say though that I find it interesting that this is not something with the usual happy ending part where it tends to be common once it is an OTP and mostly in this kind of theme of a fic. There was this part where the reader somehow starts to feel happy because it is kind of leading that they can really be together and all that after everything else, but then again -- you blew it all over with that ending. It was clever.
Comments 4
Poor Nakamaru :( he just gets himself in deeper when he tries not too.
Thanks for sharing. Even though you're breaking my TaguMaru heart - not that that's bad thing when it's written as well as this, but I want them to be happy. So now you have to write a third part, slap Junno upside the head and make him realise how great Nakamaru is :D pretty please :D
Again thanks for sharing.
But yes, part 3 is a definite probability ^^ I just don't know when. But I can promise that will happen~ Thank you for reading and leaving a comment :D
"Nakamaru couldn’t help the tears that escaped when the name that fell off of Junno’s lips when he came wasn’t his - it was Koki’s." - I can't with the ending. Why must Nakamaru be in this situation? My OTP can't be filled with such sadness.
I have to say though that I find it interesting that this is not something with the usual happy ending part where it tends to be common once it is an OTP and mostly in this kind of theme of a fic. There was this part where the reader somehow starts to feel happy because it is kind of leading that they can really be together and all that after everything else, but then again -- you blew it all over with that ending. It was clever.
It was a nice read. Thanks for sharing!
Clever? Maybe it was~ But I think there'll be another at some point, with a happier ending because I hate leaving my OTP like that too.
Thank you for reading and commenting. ♥
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