Title:The Game Pairing: Junno/Nakamaru Rating: NC17 Summary: Taguchi suggests that he and Nakamaru play a game, and things get intense. Warning- Smut (I tried) And PWP (porn without plot) ( Read more... )
I think we ALL won after reading this. This was fantastic; it was cute and their dialogue was so real and so them. It really sounded like their first time and yet it took on that tender, intimate edge that made it that much more hot.
I loved the whole concept, the premise; the way the game played out; that moment when they snapped and couldn't fight it anymore and the fact that it was both of them giving in at some semblance of a blend that there was no way to tell who went for it first. Even your descriptions of their kisses were fantastic and very WOH
Excellent job. Thank you so much for writing this; I'm delighted that I happened upon it. Please do write more Tagumaru; you're clearly fantastic at it.
Oh wow I don't even know what to say I just- ;A: Thank you, seriously. This all means so much coming from you. I did my best, and I am so happy that you liked it.
Thank you so much for reading, and leaving this wonderful comment. I definitely will, no doubt about it! :D
Comments 8
Thanks for sharing
No problem! Thank you for reading and commenting~!
i love when smut happens <3
is it terrible of me to tell you to keep on keeping on <3
Me too. Smut is really just the best.
Omg no not at all <3 I actually have another WIP, with plot... :3
Thank you for reading and commenting ~ <3
I think we ALL won after reading this. This was fantastic; it was cute and their dialogue was so real and so them. It really sounded like their first time and yet it took on that tender, intimate edge that made it that much more hot.
I loved the whole concept, the premise; the way the game played out; that moment when they snapped and couldn't fight it anymore and the fact that it was both of them giving in at some semblance of a blend that there was no way to tell who went for it first. Even your descriptions of their kisses were fantastic and very WOH
Excellent job. Thank you so much for writing this; I'm delighted that I happened upon it. Please do write more Tagumaru; you're clearly fantastic at it.
Oh wow I don't even know what to say I just- ;A: Thank you, seriously. This all means so much coming from you. I did my best, and I am so happy that you liked it.
Thank you so much for reading, and leaving this wonderful comment. I definitely will, no doubt about it! :D
I'm really happy that you liked it. Thank you for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment :3
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