fanmix - queen takes jack: a fuck prop. 8 mix.

Jan 09, 2009 13:55

Medium: general.
Title: queen takes jack: a f*ck prop. 8 mix.
Notes: i decided to take all of the pain and rage that i felt about the passing of proposition 8 which, in case you live under a rock, was to put a constitutional ban on gay marriage, and attempt to channel it into a positive, creative outlet. i saw such mixed emotions and reactions in ( Read more... )

pride, civil rights, faggotry, prop. 8, fanmix

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Comments 68

bride_of_lister January 13 2009, 23:26:52 UTC
Yay! Downloaded in a flash!

I mightn't be in America but that dosn't mean I can't support it.


court_jesster January 14 2009, 04:34:25 UTC
Glad to see supporters! Thank you very much.

Enjoy! <3


boombangbing January 13 2009, 23:32:52 UTC
Oh, this is amazing! ♥ Downloading like whoa!


harlequinnade January 13 2009, 23:36:32 UTC
Thank you for making this! Now I can take all my own rage and channel it through kick ass music. I'll sing away my depression. Seriously, this is so stellar. Thank you.


court_jesster January 14 2009, 04:13:00 UTC
I'm glad you like it. Making this mix was really helpful in making me feel productive about my feelings and I hope listening to it will do the same. <3


t3h_w0lfy January 13 2009, 23:44:34 UTC
Needed this. Thanks.


fanged_angel January 13 2009, 23:45:02 UTC
This is fabulous, definitely. It's a great way to say fuck prop 8 :D


court_jesster January 14 2009, 04:40:47 UTC
Enjoy! :D

also: Merliiiin! <333


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