He stood by the window, drinking psuedo-coffee and staring out into the dark at the creatures shuffling past in small groups. The clever combination of turning off the lights and turning on the juiced up security system seemed to have deterred them. He heard the high-pitched whine and crackle of Barbossa's
radio station beginning it's transmission.
"Oh good," Jake muttered. "Probably not eaten then."
He sipped his coffee and wondered idly what Krycek was up to.
Somehow, he hadn't quite worked out the details yet, but somehow this was definitely the professor's fault.
If the Assistant was harmed... Well, he'd sulk. Definitely. Possibly mope, too.
Krycek grumbled as he returned to the room. "I have no idea where you keep your weapons around here, but it's not anyplace that makes sense."
Standing beside Jake, he looked out at the zombies, then in the direction of the school. "Wonder how everyone else is."
Jake turned his head to give Krycek a look. "You do know who we're going to school with, right? I bet half of them are having the time of their life while the other half are hiding under their beds. And I never said we had weapons. I think I'd remember if I saw an UZI laying about, you know." He sipped his coffee. "Nobody ever believes me. I am hurt and wounded, although, thankfully not physically."
He shot Jake an annoyed glance. "Are you saying you're not worried at all? We don't even know if the dorms have been breached or not."
"And what exactly can we do about it from here?" Jake demanded to know. He gulped down the godawful coffee to calm himself. "There are zombies out there!" A thought struck him. "I wonder if zombies burn..."
"They do if I remember my zombie movies right," Krycek said, perturbed. He snagged Jake's cup of coffee as he was distracted with thoughts of fire, partially to tweak his fellow intern in revenge. "Since when are you the sensible one, by the way?" He sipped the coffee and nearly spat it out, wrinkling his nose as he offered the cup back. "How can you drink that? It's completely disgusting."
Jake snagged the cup back, cradling it protectively. "I'm desperate. I'm being the sensible one? Really?" He looked flattered.
"For once," he conceded, grumpy. "But I hate being inactive."
Krycek watched another couple of zombies shuffle down the street. "Did you mention fire for a reason or was it just speculation?" He mumbled something about Pyro - too bad he seemed to have disappeared.
continued here and then