[Open to the network || Hidden from certain parties You know who you are (The people it's blocked from have already been informed so if you haven't heard from me about it, you can see this)]
Hello everyone! [Her voice sounds as bright and cheerful as ever.. initially.] How to start.... I hope this message finds you well-- but I have something
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EEEeeeeeehhh! You aren’t injured ARE you!?!
So it that it, this is something for becoming a Vet? Or maybe some one you know has a weird cold…??
[OOC: Like a mun maybe… ?? ^,^” *sniffles]
I guess you could put it that way.
But you're too young to have to worry about these things.
Even if she IS too young]
We ARE a Princess you know!
That's right-- you are. And a princess must be prepared for anything, mustn't she?
I'm sure it'll be alright though... [I think]
That’s right! So if there is anything we can help you with you should tell us about it.
Bad things always work themselves out in the end!
Thank you, I'll keep it in mind! [Trans: I'm still not going to elaborate on this issue]
In general.. they tend to.
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